Food And Oil Processing(Engineering > Food Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Statement 1: Black pepper is obtained from ripened berries by removing the pulp.
Statement 2: White pepper is obtained by plucking a few cherries which have turned orange/ red, are spread on the floor and are separated by trampling.
  1.    True, False
  2.    True, True
  3.    False, False
  4.    False, True
Answer: Option C. -> False, False
Answer: (c).False, False

Question 2. Green Cardamom is preserved by dipping the harvested capsules in baking soda for 10 minutes (with minimum moisture content), spreading them and keeping them in gunny bags lined with polythene.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    May be True or False
  4.    Can't say
Answer: Option A. -> True
Answer: (a).True

Question 3. Bleaching of Cardamom is done by passing sulphur dioxide released by burning sulphur.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    May be True or False
  4.    Can't Say
Answer: Option A. -> True
Answer: (a).True

Question 4. The Queen of spices is _____
  1.    Cardamom
  2.    Pepper
  3.    Ginger
  4.    Chilly
Answer: Option A. -> Cardamom
Answer: (a).Cardamom

Question 5. Statement 1: Chillies are pungent in nature.
Statement 2: Chillies are pungent due to the presence of the compound capsaicin.
  1.    True, False
  2.    True, True
  3.    False, False
  4.    False, True
Answer: Option B. -> True, True
Answer: (b).True, True

Question 6. Which of the following is a technique applied to the processing of fresh meat?
  1.    Chopping
  2.    Protein Extraction
  3.    None of the mentioned
  4.    Chopping & Protein Extraction
Answer: Option D. -> Chopping & Protein Extraction
Answer: (d).Chopping & Protein Extraction

Question 7. Statement 1: Pasteurized products are kept at room temperature and Sterilized products are kept in refrigeration.
Statement 2: Canning is a process in which steam is sent in to sterilize the products.
Which of the following holds true for statement 1 and statement 2 respectively?
  1.    True, False
  2.    True, True
  3.    False, False
  4.    False, True
Answer: Option C. -> False, False
Answer: (c).False, False

Question 8. Statement 1: Dry preserved meat is smoked to give it flavour and increase its shelf life.
Statement 2: The above makes the meat hard.
  1.    True, False
  2.    True, True
  3.    False, False
  4.    False, True
Answer: Option B. -> True, True
Answer: (b).True, True

Question 9. Statement 1: Canned, Frozen, Dry- preserved and cured meats are types of meat present.
Statement 2: Sausages, Prepared dinner meats, fermented and Poultry meats are the types of meat present.
  1.    True, False
  2.    True, True
  3.    False, False
  4.    False, True
Answer: Option B. -> True, True
Answer: (b).True, True

Question 10. Statement 1: A lot of changes take place in meat on storing at a chilled temperature. These change muscle to meat.
Statement 2: The above process is called ageing or conditioning.
  1.    True, False
  2.    True, True
  3.    False, False
  4.    False, True
Answer: Option B. -> True, True
Answer: (b).True, True