Tools Of The Metallurgist(Engineering > Engineering Materials ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. What is the advantage of copper-constantan over iron-constantan?
  1.    Low density
  2.    Low coefficient of expansion
  3.    Low-temperature measurement
  4.    Elevated temperature difference
Answer: Option C. -> Low-temperature measurement
Answer: (c).Low-temperature measurement

Question 2. Which material is used when radiation pyrometers don’t produce a satisfactory result?
  1.    Chromel-Alumel
  2.    Iron-Constantan
  3.    Copper-Constantan
  4.    Rhodium-Platinum
Answer: Option D. -> Rhodium-Platinum
Answer: (d).Rhodium-Platinum

Question 3. __________are used as protecting tubes in thermocouples above 2000 F.
  1.    Wrought iron
  2.    14% chrome iron
  3.    Nichrome
  4.    Porcelain
Answer: Option D. -> Porcelain
Answer: (d).Porcelain

Question 4. Which type of pyrometer uses an electric circuit?
  1.    Controlling pyrometer
  2.    Optical pyrometer
  3.    Radiation pyrometer
  4.    Recording pyrometer
Answer: Option A. -> Controlling pyrometer
Answer: (a).Controlling pyrometer

Question 5. A radiation pyrometer is based on ___________
  1.    Planck’s law
  2.    Stefan-Boltzmann law
  3.    Rayleigh-Jeans law
  4.    Sakuma-Hattori equation
Answer: Option B. -> Stefan-Boltzmann law
Answer: (b).Stefan-Boltzmann law

Question 6. Bimetallic strips contain _______ as a metal.
  1.    Muntz metal
  2.    Yellow brass
  3.    Bronze
  4.    Aluminum
Answer: Option B. -> Yellow brass
Answer: (b).Yellow brass

Question 7. What temperature does the dark red color generally deal with?
  1.    950 F
  2.    1150 F
  3.    1175 F
  4.    1300 F
Answer: Option B. -> 1150 F
Answer: (b).1150 F

Question 8. Bimetallic strips are employed in ________ thermometers.
  1.    Vapor-pressure
  2.    Liquid-expansion
  3.    Metal-expansion
  4.    Resistance
Answer: Option C. -> Metal-expansion
Answer: (c).Metal-expansion

Question 9. What temperature is the dark orange color associated with?
  1.    1475 F
  2.    1650 F
  3.    1750 F
  4.    1800 F
Answer: Option B. -> 1650 F
Answer: (b).1650 F

Question 10. Measurement of elevated temperatures is defined as ___________
  1.    Thermometry
  2.    Pyrometry
  3.    Metallography
  4.    Radiography
Answer: Option B. -> Pyrometry
Answer: (b).Pyrometry