Corrosion And Oxidation(Engineering > Engineering Materials ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. What is the Faraday’s constant?
  1.    96.49 kC mol⁻¹
  2.    99.01 kC mol⁻¹
  3.    100.3 kC mol⁻¹
  4.    104.49 kC mol⁻¹
Answer: Option A. -> 96.49 kC mol⁻¹
Answer: (a).96.49 kC mol⁻¹

Question 2. What is the Piling-Bedworth ratio of MgO?
  1.    0.41
  2.    0.79
  3.    1.71
  4.    2.03
Answer: Option B. -> 0.79
Answer: (b).0.79

Question 3. What is the free energy of formation value for Al₂O₃?
  1.    419 kJ mol⁻¹
  2.    1045 kJ mol⁻¹
  3.    1576 kJ mol⁻¹
  4.    2562 kJ mol⁻¹
Answer: Option C. -> 1576 kJ mol⁻¹
Answer: (c).1576 kJ mol⁻¹

Question 4. How is the Faraday’s constant defined?
  1.    F = e Nᴀ
  2.    F = e / Nᴀ
  3.    F = e + Nᴀ
  4.    F = Nᴀ / e
Answer: Option A. -> F = e Nᴀ
Answer: (a).F = e Nᴀ

Question 5. A galvanic cell set up due to differences in the concentration of metal ion is known as ________
  1.    Concentration ion
  2.    Concentration cell
  3.    Admiralty ion
  4.    Admiralty cell
Answer: Option B. -> Concentration cell
Answer: (b).Concentration cell

Question 6. The rate of crack propagation in brittle fracture is _______
  1.    Nonexistent
  2.    Slow
  3.    Rapid
  4.    Random
Answer: Option C. -> Rapid
Answer: (c).Rapid

Question 7. Which of the following can be applied to prevent ductile fracture?
  1.    Fine grains
  2.    Low hardness
  3.    Low Young’s modulus
  4.    High-temperature treatment
Answer: Option A. -> Fine grains
Answer: (a).Fine grains

Question 8. __________ can be added to steels to prevent intergranular failure.
  1.    Sulfur
  2.    Manganese
  3.    Silicon
  4.    Wood
Answer: Option B. -> Manganese
Answer: (b).Manganese

Question 9. Which of the following is not applicable for prevention of fatigue fracture?
  1.    Reduction of corrosive environment
  2.    Coarse grain structure
  3.    No residual stresses
  4.    Good surface finish
Answer: Option B. -> Coarse grain structure
Answer: (b).Coarse grain structure

Question 10. Pyroceram has excellent thermal resistance due to its ________
  1.    Surface finish
  2.    Melting point
  3.    Ion exchange
  4.    Grain size
Answer: Option D. -> Grain size
Answer: (d).Grain size