Electron Microscope And Techniques(Engineering > Textile Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Perfection of crystal is directly proportional to
  1.    broadband width
  2.    length
  3.    density
  4.    frequency
Answer: Option A. -> broadband width
Answer: (a).broadband width

Question 2. Value of field in which atom is placed to resonate is calculated to be
  1.    2.0 tesla oscillating at 60 MHz
  2.    1.5 tesla oscillating at 60 MHz
  3.    2.5 tesla oscillating at 60 MHz
  4.    1.0 tesla oscillating at 60 MHz
Answer: Option B. -> 1.5 tesla oscillating at 60 MHz
Answer: (b).1.5 tesla oscillating at 60 MHz

Question 3. Broadband width depends on how firmly held is the
  1.    atom
  2.    resonating atom
  3.    molecule
  4.    resonating molecule
Answer: Option B. -> resonating atom
Answer: (b).resonating atom

Question 4. Very useful detail can be obtained from study of
  1.    minerals
  2.    replicas
  3.    stones
  4.    flat surfaces
Answer: Option B. -> replicas
Answer: (b).replicas

Question 5. Obtaining contrast in electron microscopy is
  1.    easy
  2.    difficult
  3.    impossible
  4.    time consuming
Answer: Option B. -> difficult
Answer: (b).difficult

Question 6. Quantitative determination of twist angles in wool is done by
  1.    tomography
  2.    electrography
  3.    spectroscopy
  4.    microscopy
Answer: Option A. -> tomography
Answer: (a).tomography

Question 7. Tapping mode of atomic force microscopy can be used to show differences in
  1.    modulus
  2.    elastic modulus
  3.    fibre modulus
  4.    line modulus
Answer: Option B. -> elastic modulus
Answer: (b).elastic modulus

Question 8. Scanning has been applied to the
  1.    computerized mode
  2.    electronic mode
  3.    transmission mode
  4.    receiving mode
Answer: Option C. -> transmission mode
Answer: (c).transmission mode

Question 9. Peeling off fibre to expose new external surface for replication gives
  1.    replicate details
  2.    internal details
  3.    minimal details
  4.    angle details
Answer: Option B. -> internal details
Answer: (b).internal details

Question 10. Electrons can be focused by
  1.    microscopes
  2.    bending their paths
  3.    rotating
  4.    reflecting
Answer: Option B. -> bending their paths
Answer: (b).bending their paths