Gender And Sexuality(Sociology ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. BDP stands for
  1.    Best Dramatic Presentation
  2.    Borderline Personality Disorder
  3.    Broken Down Palace
  4.    Breed Definition Proposal
Answer: Option B. -> Borderline Personality Disorder
Answer: (b).Borderline Personality Disorder

Question 2. What percentage of mothers work outside home?
  1.    0.3
  2.    0.4
  3.    0.55
  4.    0.592
Answer: Option D. -> 0.592
Answer: (d).0.592

Question 3. US census bureau reported 594,000 same sex couples in
  1.    United states
  2.    China
  3.    Japan
  4.    Germany
Answer: Option A. -> United states
Answer: (a).United states

Question 4. An average age of same-sex couple households have
  1.    47
  2.    49
  3.    50
  4.    52
Answer: Option D. -> 52
Answer: (d).52

Question 5. An average age of opposite-sex couple households have
  1.    52
  2.    55
  3.    59
  4.    60
Answer: Option C. -> 59
Answer: (c).59

Question 6. Types of 'Sexual orientation' are
  1.    Heterosexuality
  2.    Homosexuality
  3.    Asexuality
  4.    All of above
Answer: Option D. -> All of above
Answer: (d).All of above

Question 7. GLAAD stands for
  1.    Gay and Lesbian Alliance for Anti Defamation
  2.    Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
  3.    Gay Lesbian Allegiance Against Defamation
  4.    Gay Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
Answer: Option B. -> Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
Answer: (b).Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation

Question 8. Homosexual women' are also referred as
  1.    Lesbian
  2.    Gay
  3.    Bisexual
  4.    Transgender
Answer: Option A. -> Lesbian
Answer: (a).Lesbian

Question 9. 'extended family' includes
  1.    Aunts
  2.    Uncles
  3.    Cousins
  4.    All of above
Answer: Option D. -> All of above
Answer: (d).All of above

Question 10. Non western countries includes
  1.    China
  2.    India
  3.    Iran
  4.    All of above
Answer: Option D. -> All of above
Answer: (d).All of above