Use Of Cloned Dna(Engineering > Genetic Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. If it is desirable to express two or more proteins simultaneously, then it is known as ___________
  1.    hybrid of proteins
  2.    fusion of proteins
  3.    co-expression of proteins
  4.    combination of proteins
Answer: Option C. -> co-expression of proteins
Answer: (c).co-expression of proteins

Question 2. What is the function of T7 lysozyme?
  1.    Attacking the peptidoglycan in bacterial cell walls
  2.    Inhibitor of T7 polymerase
  3.    Activator of T7 polymerase
  4.    Both attacking the peptidogylcan in bacterial cell walls and inhibitor of T7 polymerase
Answer: Option D. -> Both attacking the peptidogylcan in bacterial cell walls and inhibitor of T7 polymerase
Answer: (d).Both attacking the peptidogylcan in bacterial cell walls and inhibitor of T7 polymerase

Question 3. For co-expression of proteins, it is possible to have several independent sets of promoters and other signals in a single vector.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    May be True or False
  4.    Can't say
Answer: Option A. -> True
Answer: (a).True

Question 4. A considerable amount of modification can take place in the ______ region of RNA in _______ before translation. It affects the yield of proteins.
  1.    coding, prokaryotes
  2.    coding, eukaryotes
  3.    non-coding, prokaryotes
  4.    non-coding, eukaryotes
Answer: Option B. -> coding, eukaryotes
Answer: (b).coding, eukaryotes

Question 5. Strong secondary structure in a message may affect ________
  1.    translation
  2.    transcription
  3.    both translation and transcription
  4.    none of translation and transcription
Answer: Option A. -> translation
Answer: (a).translation

Question 6. As the activity of T7 polymerase is reduced by lysosome, what is an effect on the rate of synthesis after induction?
  1.    Increase
  2.    Decrease
  3.    May increase or decrease
  4.    No effect
Answer: Option B. -> Decrease
Answer: (b).Decrease

Question 7. Proteins at times are not soluble in the cell and form aggregates known as ___________
  1.    coagulation
  2.    aggregated mass
  3.    inclusion bodies
  4.    insoluble mass
Answer: Option C. -> inclusion bodies
Answer: (c).inclusion bodies

Question 8. Lon mutation can lead to ______ and _______
  1.    mucoidy, UV sensitivity
  2.    mucoidy, UV insensitivity
  3.    overproduction of fats, UV sensitivity
  4.    overproduction of fats, UV insensitivity
Answer: Option A. -> mucoidy, UV sensitivity
Answer: (a).mucoidy, UV sensitivity

Question 9. It is not possible to solubilise proteins from aggregated mass of proteins.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    May be True or False
  4.    Can't say
Answer: Option B. -> False
Answer: (b).False

Question 10. Lon protease is used for degradation of foreign proteins in E.coli cells. It is active against which type of proteins?
  1.    Partially denatured proteins
  2.    Completely denatured proteins
  3.    Both partially and completely denatured proteins
  4.    Intact proteins
Answer: Option C. -> Both partially and completely denatured proteins
Answer: (c).Both partially and completely denatured proteins