Organisms And Genetic Engineering(Engineering > Genetic Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Process of manipulating genes usually outside normal reproductive process is known as
  1.    genetic modification
  2.    gene targeting
  3.    genome recombination
  4.    gene linking
Answer: Option A. -> genetic modification
Answer: (a).genetic modification

Question 2. First genetically modified pet was sold in United States in
  1.    2003
  2.    2008
  3.    2006
  4.    2004
Answer: Option A. -> 2003
Answer: (a).2003

Question 3. First genetically modified mice is generated in
  1.    1968
  2.    1964
  3.    1974
  4.    1978
Answer: Option C. -> 1974
Answer: (c).1974

Question 4. Enzyme which is used to remove or knockout genes is known as
  1.    nucleolus
  2.    nuclease
  3.    nucleotide
  4.    clones
Answer: Option B. -> nuclease
Answer: (b).nuclease

Question 5. First genetically modified organism generated was
  1.    fish
  2.    bacteria
  3.    mice
  4.    virus
Answer: Option B. -> bacteria
Answer: (b).bacteria

Question 6. Choose the incorrect statement for YAC vectors.
  1.    The YAC molecule is approximately 10 kb in size
  2.    It contains both yeast origin of replication and prokaryotic origin of replication
  3.    It doesn’t contain ampicillin resistant gene
  4.    It contains TEL sequence
Answer: Option C. -> It doesn’t contain ampicillin resistant gene
Answer: (c).It doesn’t contain ampicillin resistant gene

Question 7. Transcription of GAL1 and GAL10 is suppressed in the presence of _______
  1.    glucose
  2.    galactose
  3.    maltose
  4.    fructose
Answer: Option A. -> glucose
Answer: (a).glucose

Question 8. GAL1 is a controllable promoter and is obtained from genes for galactose metabolism. It is known for encoding ______
  1.    UDP-galactose-4-empirase
  2.    Galactokinase
  3.    Both UDP-galactose-4-empirase and galactokinase
  4.    Glucokinase
Answer: Option B. -> Galactokinase
Answer: (b).Galactokinase

Question 9. Transformed cells in the case of YAC can be selected by the presence of both URA3 and TRP1 genes.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    May be True or False
  4.    Can't say
Answer: Option A. -> True
Answer: (a).True

Question 10. If YAC DNA is digested with BamHI and ECoRI, how many fragments are generated?
  1.    1
  2.    2
  3.    3
  4.    4
Answer: Option C. -> 3
Answer: (c).3