Site Investigation And Soil Sampling(Engineering > Foundation Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. The standard penetration test is performed in clear hole of _____________ mm in diameter.
  1.    10 to 30
  2.    30 to 50
  3.    55 to 150
  4.    150 to 1000
Answer: Option C. -> 55 to 150
Answer: (c).55 to 150

Question 2. The sampler in standard penetration test has outer diameter of _________ mm.
  1.    50.8
  2.    60.3
  3.    70.3
  4.    80.2
Answer: Option A. -> 50.8
Answer: (a).50.8

Question 3. The sample in standard penetration test has inner diameter of _________ mm.
  1.    50.8
  2.    60
  3.    35
  4.    75
Answer: Option C. -> 35
Answer: (c).35

Question 4. The sample is driven by a weight of _____________ in sample in standard penetration test.
  1.    65 kg
  2.    14 kg
  3.    55 kg
  4.    100 kg
Answer: Option A. -> 65 kg
Answer: (a).65 kg

Question 5. The height of the free fall in sample in standard penetration test is ___________
  1.    50 cm
  2.    75 cm
  3.    100 cm
  4.    150 cm
Answer: Option B. -> 75 cm
Answer: (b).75 cm

Question 6. When deeper layers have increasingly greater density, the seismic refraction method is fast.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    May be True or False
  4.    Can't say
Answer: Option A. -> True
Answer: (a).True

Question 7. If σ’ is the effective overburden pressure, then the effective penetration resistance is given by _____________
  1.    Nₑ=\(N \frac{50}{1.42σ^{‘}}\)
  2.    Nₑ=\(N \frac{50}{σ^{‘}+10}\)
  3.    Nₑ=\(N \frac{1}{1.42σ^{‘}+10}\)
  4.    Nₑ=\(N \frac{50}{1.42σ^{‘}+10}\)
Answer: Option D. -> Nₑ=\(N \frac{50}{1.42σ^{‘}+10}\)
Answer: (d).Nₑ=\(N \frac{50}{1.42σ^{‘}+10}\)

Question 8. The essential feature of reinforced earth is that __________ develops between compacted layer of earth and reinforcing elements.
  1.    friction
  2.    tension
  3.    compression
  4.    shear
Answer: Option A. -> friction
Answer: (a).friction

Question 9. The equivalent penetration resistance is given by ___________
  1.    Nₑ=15+\(\frac{1}{2}\)(N+15)
  2.    Nₑ=\(\frac{1}{2}\)(N-15)
  3.    Nₑ=15+\(\frac{1}{2}\)(N-15)
  4.    Nₑ=15+\(\frac{1}{2}\)(N)
Answer: Option C. -> Nₑ=15+\(\frac{1}{2}\)(N-15)
Answer: (c).Nₑ=15+\(\frac{1}{2}\)(N-15)

Question 10. ______ is developed in reinforcement.
  1.    Friction
  2.    Tension
  3.    Compression
  4.    Shear
Answer: Option B. -> Tension
Answer: (b).Tension