Reproduction System And Cell Division(Human Anatomy And Physiology ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Which of the following is the simplest amino acid?
  1.    Glycine
  2.    Alanine
  3.    Aspergine
  4.    Tyrosine
Answer: Option A. -> Glycine
Answer: (a).Glycine

Question 2. Polythene chromosomes are found due to?
  1.    Mitosis
  2.    Endomixes
  3.    Endomitosis
  4.    Meiosis
Answer: Option C. -> Endomitosis
Answer: (c).Endomitosis

Question 3. The animal cells are interconnected by _________
  1.    Cell wall
  2.    Desmosomes
  3.    Plasma membrane
  4.    Plasmodesmata
Answer: Option B. -> Desmosomes
Answer: (b).Desmosomes

Question 4. Cristae are associated with?
  1.    Mitochondria
  2.    Cytoplasm
  3.    Vacuole
  4.    Ribosomes
Answer: Option A. -> Mitochondria
Answer: (a).Mitochondria

Question 5. R-RNA is synthesized by __________
  1.    Cytoplasm
  2.    Golgi body
  3.    Nucleolus
  4.    Nucleus
Answer: Option C. -> Nucleolus
Answer: (c).Nucleolus

Question 6. Metastasis is associated with _________
  1.    Malignant tumor
  2.    Benign tumor
  3.    Gall Tumor
  4.    Crown gall tumor
Answer: Option A. -> Malignant tumor
Answer: (a).Malignant tumor

Question 7. Tunnel vision is associated with __________
  1.    Alcoholism
  2.    Smoking
  3.    Drug addiction
  4.    Mental health
Answer: Option A. -> Alcoholism
Answer: (a).Alcoholism

Question 8. The organism which carries a disease from one organism to another is called _________
  1.    Agent
  2.    Host
  3.    Parasite
  4.    Vector
Answer: Option D. -> Vector
Answer: (d).Vector

Question 9. Leukemia is due to _________
  1.    Excess of RBCs
  2.    Excess of Platelets
  3.    Excess of WBCs
  4.    Excess of antibodies
Answer: Option C. -> Excess of WBCs
Answer: (c).Excess of WBCs

Question 10. Which immunoglobulin is the largest in size?
  1.    Ig A
  2.    Ig D
  3.    Ig E
  4.    Ig M
Answer: Option D. -> Ig M
Answer: (d).Ig M