Splanchnology And Digestive System(Human Anatomy And Physiology ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Located on the pelvic floor and is made of skeletal muscle- Internal Urethral.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    May be True or False
  4.    Can't say
Answer: Option B. -> False
Answer: (b).False

Question 2. How many ureters are present?
  1.    1
  2.    2
  3.    3
  4.    4
Answer: Option B. -> 2
Answer: (b).2

Question 3. Just posterior to the symphysis pubis; hollow, collapsible sac empty=deflated balloon; full=pear shape. Name this part.
  1.    Bladder
  2.    Urters
  3.    External Urethral Sphincters
  4.    Urethra
Answer: Option A. -> Bladder
Answer: (a).Bladder

Question 4. Urine that has glucose in it usually an indicator of _________
  1.    Diabetes
  2.    Bacterial infection
  3.    Kidney stones
  4.    Muscle atropy
Answer: Option A. -> Diabetes
Answer: (a).Diabetes

Question 5. The bladder is lined with _________ epithelium.
  1.    Simple columnar
  2.    Transitional
  3.    Stratified squamous
  4.    Simple cuboidal
Answer: Option B. -> Transitional
Answer: (b).Transitional

Question 6. Labial fusion is common in young girls.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    May be True or False
  4.    Can't say
Answer: Option A. -> True
Answer: (a).True

Question 7. What is the dry form of inflammation without a significant collection of fluid in the pleural cavity called?
  1.    Intercostal nerves
  2.    Pleura
  3.    Pleurisy
  4.    Pneumothorax
Answer: Option C. -> Pleurisy
Answer: (c).Pleurisy

Question 8. The respiratory system is made up of trachea, the lungs and the _________
  1.    Diaphragm
  2.    Pancreas
  3.    Esophagus
  4.    Liver
Answer: Option A. -> Diaphragm
Answer: (a).Diaphragm

Question 9. What does the pulmonary ligament contain?
  1.    The inner surface of the thoracic wall
  2.    Interpleural space/ Pleural cavity
  3.    A thin layer of areolar tissue with a few lymphatics
  4.    The pulmonary veins to expand during the increased venous return, such as during exercise
Answer: Option C. -> A thin layer of areolar tissue with a few lymphatics
Answer: (c).A thin layer of areolar tissue with a few lymphatics

Question 10. What part of the parietal pleura covers the superior surface of the diaphragm?
  1.    Mediastinal pleura
  2.    Diaphragmatic pleura
  3.    Intercostal nerves
  4.    Pneumothorax
Answer: Option B. -> Diaphragmatic pleura
Answer: (b).Diaphragmatic pleura