Operating System(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.

A critical section is a program segment

  1.    which should run in a certain specified amount of time.
  2.    which avoids deadlocks.
  3.    where shared resources are accessed.
  4.    which must be enclosed by a pair of semaphore operations, P and V.
Answer: Option C. -> where shared resources are accessed.

Question 2.

A program in execution is called

  1.    Process
  2.    Instruction
  3.    Procedure
  4.    Function
Answer: Option A. -> Process

Question 3.
An assembly language is a
  1.    low level programming language
  2.    Middle level programming language
  3.    High level programming language
  4.    Internet based programming language
Answer: Option A. -> low level programming language

Question 4.

A parser which is a variant of top-down parsing without backtracking is

  1.    Recursive Descend.
  2.    Operator Precedence
  3.    LL(1) parser.
  4.    LALR Parser
Answer: Option A. -> Recursive Descend.

Question 5.

Translator for low level programming language were termed as

  1.    Assembler
  2.    Compiler
  3.    Linker
  4.    Loader
Answer: Option A. -> Assembler

Question 6.

The main reason to encrypt a file is to ______________.

  1.    Reduce its size
  2.    Secure it for transmission
  3.    Prepare it for backup
  4.    Include it in the start-up sequence
Answer: Option B. -> Secure it for transmission

Question 7.

Program generation activity aims at

  1.    Automatic generation of program
  2.    Organize execution of a program written in PL
  3.    Skips generation of program
  4.    Speedens generation of program
Answer: Option A. -> Automatic generation of program

Question 8.

The “turn-around” time of a user job is the

  1.    time since its submission to the time its results become available.
  2.    time duration for which the CPU is allotted to the job.
  3.    total time taken to execute the job.
  4.    time taken for the job to move from assembly phase to completion phase.
Answer: Option C. -> total time taken to execute the job.

Question 9.
The principles of structured programming forbid the use of

  1.    WHILE-DO
  2.    GOTO
  3.    IF-THEN-ELSE
  4.    DO-WHILE
Answer: Option B. -> GOTO

Question 10.

A scheduler which selects processes from secondary storage device is called

  1.    Short term scheduler.
  2.    Long term scheduler.
  3.    Medium term scheduler
  4.    Process scheduler.
Answer: Option C. -> Medium term scheduler