Automata Theory(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Which of the following is true-
Φ = empty language € = empty string

  1.    Î¦ = { € }
  2.    Î¦ ‡ { € }
  3.    Î¦ is not defined
  4.    â‚¬ is not defined.
Answer: Option A. -> Φ = { € }

Question 2.
The set strings of 0's and 1's with atmost one pair consecutive one's-

  1.    (0+1)*(01)(10)(0+1)*
  2.    (0+1)*(01)*(10)(0+1)*
  3.    (0+1)*(01)(10)*(0+1)*
  4.    (0+!)(01)*(10)*(0+1)
Answer: Option D. -> (0+!)(01)*(10)*(0+1)

Question 3.
Chomsky normal forms are not useful in-

  1.    elimination of useless symbols
  2.    elimination of transitive dependencies
  3.    elimination of a‚¬ productions
  4.    elimination of unit productions
Answer: Option C. -> elimination of a‚¬ productions

Question 4.
Which of the following will be used for text searching application-

  1.    NFA
  2.    DFA
  3.    PDA
  4.    None of these
Answer: Option C. -> PDA

Question 5.
Which of the following languages is regular-

  1.    0n10n
  2.    0n | n is a power of 2
  3.    the set of strings 0i1j such that GCD of i and j is equal to one.
  4.    none of these
Answer: Option B. -> 0n | n is a power of 2

Question 6.
Context free grammar is used for-

  1.    lexical analyzer
  2.    document type definition (DTD)
  3.    text pattern searching
  4.    both a & c
Answer: Option B. -> document type definition (DTD)