Input And Output Devices(Computer Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Which of the following company is called Big Blue:
  1.    Microsoft Corporation
  2.    Compaq Corporation
  3.    IBM
  4.    None of The Above
Answer: Option C. -> IBM

Question 2. The first IBM PC did not have any:
  1.    RAM
  2.    Disk Drive
  3.    Port
  4.    None of The Above
Answer: Option B. -> Disk Drive

Question 3. Today's computer giant IBM was earlier known by a different name which was changed in 1924. What was that name:
  1.    Tabulator Machine Corp.
  2.    Computer Tabulating Recording Corp.
  3.    International Computer Limited
  4.    None of The Above
Answer: Option B. -> Computer Tabulating Recording Corp.

Question 4. In computer, wet ware means:
  1.    Human Intelligence
  2.    An organic Intelligence
  3.    Artificial Intelligence
  4.    None of The Above
Answer: Option B. -> An organic Intelligence

Question 5. If a computer is on but does not respond to a system reset, what is it said to be:
  1.    Dead
  2.    Hang
  3.    Insensitive
  4.    None of The Above
Answer: Option B. -> Hang

Question 6. What is the term which represents the use of links between information of all sorts:
  1.    Hypertext
  2.    Hypermedia
  3.    Hyper Card
  4.    None of The Above
Answer: Option B. -> Hypermedia

Question 7. A term associated with the comparison of processing speeds of different computer systems is:
  1.    EFTS
  2.    MPG
  3.    MIPS
  4.    None of The Above
Answer: Option C. -> MIPS

Question 8. The process of starting or restarting a computer system by loading instructions from a secondary storage device into the computer memory is called:
  1.    Duping
  2.    Booting
  3.    Padding
  4.    None of The Above
Answer: Option C. -> Padding

Question 9. A high speed device used in CPU for temporary storage during processing is called:
  1.    A register
  2.    A Data Bus
  3.    All of The Above
  4.    None of The Above
Answer: Option A. -> A register

Question 10. RATS stands for:
  1.    Regression Analysis Time Series
  2.    Real Analysis Time Sharing
  3.    Regression Analysis Series
  4.    None of The Above
Answer: Option A. -> Regression Analysis Time Series