Html5(Computer Science > Html ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. The __________ element must reference either an ‘altGlyphDef’ element or a ‘glyph’ element.
  1.    href
  2.    src
  3.    animate
  4.    altGlyph
Answer: Option D. -> altGlyph

Question 2. Which property of SVG restricts the region to which paint can be applied?
  1.    animateTransform
  2.    clip-Path
  3.    linearGradient
  4.    radialGradient
Answer: Option B. -> clip-Path

Question 3. The ___________ element must reference a ‘linearGradient’ or ‘radialGradient’ element.
  1.    script
  2.    radialGradient
  3.    animateTransform
  4.    clip-Path
Answer: Option B. -> radialGradient

Question 4. SVG also stands for Scalar Vector Graphics
  1.    True
  2.    False
Answer: Option B. -> False

Question 5. Which SVG element produces the same effect as if the nodes were deeply cloned into a non-exposed DOM?
  1.    tref
  2.    use
  3.    stroke
  4.    bin
Answer: Option B. -> use

Question 6. What is the replacement for cookies in HTML5?
  1.    Web beacons
  2.    Java scripts
  3.    Local Storage
  4.    All the above
Answer: Option C. -> Local Storage

Question 7. A semantic element clearly describes its meaning to
  1.    Browser
  2.    Developer
  3.    Both A & B
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option C. -> Both A & B

Question 8. Which is not suited for game applications?
  1.    Canvas
  2.    Svg
  3.    Both A & B
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Svg

Question 9. HTML5 features, include native audio and video support without the need for.
  1.    Flash
  2.    Canvas
  3.    Svg
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> Flash

Question 10. Which attribute specifies that the video will be loaded at page load, and ready to run. Ignored if autoplay is present.
  1.    loop
  2.    src
  3.    preload
  4.    poster
Answer: Option C. -> preload