Biology(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Ordinary table salt is sodium chloride. What is baking soda?
  1.    Potassium chloride
  2.    Potassium carbonate
  3.    Potassium hydroxide
  4.    Sodium bicarbonate
Answer: Option D. -> Sodium bicarbonate

Question 2. Pine, fir, spruce, cedar, larch and cypress are the famous timber-yielding plants of which several also occur widely in the hilly regions of India. All these belong to
  1.    angiosperms
  2.    gymnosperms
  3.    monocotyledons
  4.    dicotyledons
Answer: Option B. -> gymnosperms

Question 3. Ozone hole refers to
  1.    hole in ozone layer
  2.    decrease in the ozone layer in troposphere
  3.    decrease in thickness of ozone layer in stratosphere
  4.    increase in the thickness of ozone layer in troposphere
Answer: Option C. -> decrease in thickness of ozone layer in stratosphere

Question 4. Pollination is best defined as
  1.    transfer of pollen from anther to stigma
  2.    germination of pollen grains
  3.    growth of pollen tube in ovule
  4.    visiting flowers by insects
Answer: Option A. -> transfer of pollen from anther to stigma

Question 5. Plants receive their nutrients mainly from
  1.    chlorophyll
  2.    atmosphere
  3.    light
  4.    soil
Answer: Option D. -> soil

Question 6. Movement of cell against concentration gradient is called
  1.    osmosis
  2.    active transport
  3.    diffusion
  4.    passive transport
Answer: Option B. -> active transport

Question 7. Photosynthesis generally takes place in which parts of the plant?
  1.    Leaf and other chloroplast bearing parts
  2.    steam and leaf
  3.    Roots and chloroplast bearing parts
  4.    Bark and leaf
Answer: Option A. -> Leaf and other chloroplast bearing parts

Question 8. Most fish do not sink in water because of the presence of:
I. swim bladder
II. air bladder
III. air sacs
IV. air in spongy bones
  1.    I and II are correct
  2.    II and III are correct
  3.    III and IV are correct
  4.    I, II, III and IV are correct
Answer: Option A. -> I and II are correct

Question 9. Plants synthesis protein from
  1.    starch
  2.    sugar
  3.    amino acids
  4.    fatty acids
Answer: Option C. -> amino acids

Question 10. Plants absorb dissolved nitrates from soil and convert them into
  1.    free nitrogen
  2.    urea
  3.    ammonia
  4.    proteins
Answer: Option A. -> free nitrogen