Oscillators(Engineering > Electrical Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. In an LC oscillator, the frequency of oscillator is ___________ L or C.
  1.    Proportional to square of
  2.    Directly proportional to
  3.    Independent of the values of
  4.    Inversely proportional to square root of
Answer: Option D. -> Inversely proportional to square root of

Question 2. Quartz crystal is most commonly used in crystal oscillators because ___________
  1.    It has superior electrical properties
  2.    It is easily available
  3.    It is quite inexpensive
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> It has superior electrical properties

Question 3. In a certain oscillator Av = 50. The attention of the feedback circuit must be ___________
  1.    1
  2.    1
  3.    10
  4.    2
Answer: Option D. -> 2

Question 4. The crystal oscillator frequency is very stable due to ___________ of the crystal
  1.    Rigidity
  2.    Vibrations
  3.    Low Q
  4.    High Q
Answer: Option D. -> High Q

Question 5. Hartley oscillator is commonly used in ___________
  1.    Radio receivers
  2.    Radio transmitters
  3.    TV receivers
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> Radio receivers

Question 6. An oscillator produces___________ oscillations
  1.    Damped
  2.    Undamped
  3.    Modulated
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Undamped

Question 7. An LC oscillator cannot be used to produce ___________ frequencies
  1.    High
  2.    Audio
  3.    Very low
  4.    Very high
Answer: Option C. -> Very low

Question 8. In a phase shift oscillator, we use ___________ RC sections
  1.    Two
  2.    Three
  3.    Four
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Three

Question 9. The signal generator generally used in the laboratories is ___________ oscillator
  1.    Wien-bridge
  2.    Hartely
  3.    Crystal
  4.    Phase shift
Answer: Option A. -> Wien-bridge

Question 10. An oscillator employs ___________ feedback
  1.    Positive
  2.    Negative
  3.    Neither positive nor negative
  4.    Data insufficient
Answer: Option A. -> Positive