Electric Traction(Engineering > Electrical Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. In India, electrification of railway track was done for the first time in which of the following years?
  1.    1820 - 1825
  2.    1880 - 1885
  3.    1925 - 1932
  4.    1947 - 1954
Answer: Option C. -> 1925 - 1932

Question 2. _________ locomotive has the highest operational availability.
  1.    Electric
  2.    Diesel
  3.    Steam
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option A. -> Electric

Question 3. The return circuit for tram cars is through
  1.    Neutral wire
  2.    Rails
  3.    Cables
  4.    Common earthing
Answer: Option B. -> Rails

Question 4. ________ have maximum unbalanced forces
  1.    Diesel saunters
  2.    Steam locomotives
  3.    Electric locomotives
  4.    Diesel locomotives
Answer: Option B. -> Steam locomotives

Question 5. The braking retardation is usually in the range
  1.    0.15 to 0.30 km phps
  2.    0.30 to 0.6 km phps
  3.    0.6 to 2.4 km phps
  4.    3 to 5 km phps
Answer: Option D. -> 3 to 5 km phps

Question 6. If the coefficient of adhesion on dry rails is 0.26, which of the following could be the value for wet rails?
  1.    0.3
  2.    0.26
  3.    0.225
  4.    0.16
Answer: Option D. -> 0.16

Question 7. The rate of acceleration on suburban or urban service is in the range
  1.    0.2 to 0.5 km phps
  2.    1.6 to 4.0 km phps
  3.    5 to 10 km phps
  4.    15 to 25 km phps
Answer: Option B. -> 1.6 to 4.0 km phps

Question 8. In tram ways which of the following motors is used?
  1.    D.C. shunt motor
  2.    D.C. series motor
  3.    A.C. three phase motor
  4.    AC. single phase capacitor start motor
Answer: Option B. -> D.C. series motor

Question 9. Which of the following drives is suitable for mines where explosive gas exists?
  1.    Steam engine
  2.    Diesel engine
  3.    Battery locomotive
  4.    Any of the above
Answer: Option C. -> Battery locomotive

Question 10. Overhead lines for power supply to tram cars are at a minimum height of
  1.    3 m
  2.    6 m
  3.    10 m
  4.    15 m
Answer: Option C. -> 10 m