Branch Loop And Node Analyses(Engineering > Electrical Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Find branch current IR2.
  1.    5.4 mA
  2.    -5.4 mA
  3.    113.0 mA
  4.    119.6 mA
Answer: Option C. -> 113.0 mA

Question 2. In assigning the direction of branch currents.
  1.    The directions are critical
  2.    The directions are not critical
  3.    They must point into a node
  4.    They must point out of a node
Answer: Option B. -> The directions are not critical

Question 3. The branch current method uses.
  1.    Kirchhoff's voltage and current laws
  2.    Thevenin's theorem and Ohm's law
  3.    Kirchhoff's current law and Ohm's law
  4.    The superposition theorem and Thevenin's theorem
Answer: Option A. -> Kirchhoff's voltage and current laws

Question 4. The first row of a certain determinant has the numbers 3 and 5. The second row has the numbers 7 and 2. The value of this determinant is
  1.    31
  2.    -31
  3.    39
  4.    -29
Answer: Option D. -> -29

Question 5. What is the voltage drop across R1?
  1.    850 mV
  2.    7.82 V
  3.    9.18 V
  4.    918 mV
Answer: Option B. -> 7.82 V

Question 6. The mesh method can be applied to circuits with any number of loops.
  1.    True
  2.    False
Answer: Option A. -> True

Question 7. A loop current is an actual current in a branch.
  1.    True
  2.    False
Answer: Option B. -> False

Question 8. What is the current through R2?
  1.    3.19 A
  2.    319 mA
  3.    1.73 A
  4.    173 mA
Answer: Option D. -> 173 mA

Question 9. Second-order determinants are evaluated by subtracting the signed cross-products.
  1.    True
  2.    False
Answer: Option B. -> False

Question 10. Find the node voltage VA.
  1.    518 mV
  2.    5.18 V
  3.    9.56 V
  4.    956 mV
Answer: Option B. -> 5.18 V