Regulated Dc Power Supply(Engineering > Electrical Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. A Zener voltage regulator will cease to act as a voltage regulator if Zener current becomes ___________
  1.    Less than load current
  2.    Zero
  3.    More than load current
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Zero

Question 2. If the load resistance decreases in a Zener regulator, then Zener current ___________
  1.    Decreases
  2.    Stays the same
  3.    Increases
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> Decreases

Question 3. A Zener regulator ___________ in the power supply
  1.    Increases the ripple
  2.    Decreases the ripple
  3.    Neither increases nor decreases the ripple
  4.    Data insufficient
Answer: Option B. -> Decreases the ripple

Question 4. Zener diode are generally made of ___________
  1.    Germanium
  2.    Silicon
  3.    Carbon
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Silicon

Question 5. In an unregulated power supply, if load current increases, the output voltage ___________
  1.    Remains the same
  2.    Decreases
  3.    Increases
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Decreases

Question 6. If the load current drawn by unregulated power supply increases, the d.c. output voltage ___________
  1.    Increases
  2.    Decreases
  3.    Stays the same
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Decreases

Question 7. A 30 V Zener will have depletion layer width ___________ that of 10 V Zener
  1.    More than
  2.    Less than
  3.    Equal to
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> More than

Question 8. A Zener diode that has very narrow depletion layer will breakdown by mechanism
  1.    Avalanche
  2.    Zener
  3.    Both avalanche and Zener
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Zener

Question 9. A Zener voltage regulator is used for ___________ load currents
  1.    High
  2.    Very high
  3.    Moderate
  4.    Small
Answer: Option D. -> Small

Question 10. In a Zener voltage regulator, the changes in load current produce changes in ___________
  1.    Zener current
  2.    Zener voltage
  3.    Zener voltage as well as Zener current
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> Zener current