Electromagnetic Induction And Alternating Currents(Engineering > Electrical Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. The property of coil by which a counter e.m.f. is induced in it when the current through the coil changes is known as
  1.    Self-inductance
  2.    Mutual inductance
  3.    Series aiding inductance
  4.    Capacitance
Answer: Option A. -> Self-inductance

Question 2. Which of the following circuit elements will oppose the change in circuit current?
  1.    Capacitance
  2.    Inductance
  3.    Resistance
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Inductance

Question 3. Which circuit element(s) will oppose the change in circuit current?
  1.    Resistance only
  2.    Inductance only
  3.    Capacitance only
  4.    Inductance and capacitance
Answer: Option B. -> Inductance only

Question 4. In case all the flux from the current in coil 1 links with coil 2, the coefficient of coupling will be
  1.    2.0
  2.    1.0
  3.    0.5
  4.    Zero
Answer: Option B. -> 1.0

Question 5. Two 300 uH coils in series without mutual coupling have a total inductance of
  1.    300 uH
  2.    600 uH
  3.    150 uH
  4.    75 uH
Answer: Option B. -> 600 uH

Question 6. Which of the following is not a unit of inductance?
  1.    Henry
  2.    Coulomb/volt ampere
  3.    Volt second per ampere
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Coulomb/volt ampere

Question 7. Which of the following is unit of inductance?
  1.    Ohm
  2.    Henry
  3.    Ampere turns
  4.    Weber/metre
Answer: Option B. -> Henry

Question 8. An open coil has
  1.    Zero resistance and inductance
  2.    Infinite resistance and zero inductance
  3.    Infinite resistance and normal inductance
  4.    Zero resistance and high inductance
Answer: Option B. -> Infinite resistance and zero inductance

Question 9. The self inductances of two coils are 8 mH and 18 mH. If the coefficient of coupling is 0.5, the mutual inductance of the coils is
  1.    4 mH
  2.    5 mH
  3.    6 mH
  4.    12 mH
Answer: Option C. -> 6 mH

Question 10. Reversing the field or the current will reverse the force on the conductor.
  1.    Yes
  2.    No
Answer: Option A. -> Yes