Series Circuits(Engineering > Electrical Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. All the voltage drops and the source voltage added together in a series circuit is equal to
  1.    The total of the voltage drops
  2.    The source voltage
  3.    Zero
  4.    The total of the source voltage and the voltage drops
Answer: Option C. -> Zero

Question 2. ‘Series aiding’ is a term sometimes used to describe voltage sources of the same polarity in series.
  1.    True
  2.    False
Answer: Option A. -> True

Question 3. Four equal-value resistors are in series with a 12 V battery and 13.63 mA are measured. The value of each resistor is
  1.    22 Ω
  2.    220 Ω
  3.    880 Ω
  4.    88 Ω
Answer: Option B. -> 220 Ω

Question 4. A series circuit consists of three resistors with values of 120 Ω, 270 Ω, and 330 Ω. The total resistance is
  1.    Less than 120 Ω
  2.    The average of the values
  3.    720 Ω
  4.    120 Ω
Answer: Option C. -> 720 Ω

Question 5. A 12 V battery is connected across a series combination of 68 Ω, 47 Ω, 220 Ω, and 33 Ω. The amount of current is
  1.    326 mA
  2.    16.3 mA
  3.    32.6 mA
  4.    163 mA
Answer: Option C. -> 32.6 mA

Question 6. Two resistors are in series: a 5.6 kΩ resistor and a 4.7 kΩ resistor. The voltage drop across the 5.6 kΩ resistor is 10 V. The voltage across the 4.7 kΩ resistor is
  1.    8.39 V
  2.    10 V
  3.    2.32 V
  4.    0 V
Answer: Option A. -> 8.39 V

Question 7. The total power in a certain circuit is 12 W. Each of the four equal-value series resistors making up the circuit dissipates
  1.    12 W
  2.    48 W
  3.    3 W
  4.    8 W
Answer: Option C. -> 3 W

Question 8. Five resistors are connected in a series and there is a current of 3 A into the first resistor. The amount of current into the second resistor is
  1.    3 A
  2.    1 A
  3.    4 A
  4.    0.3 A
Answer: Option A. -> 3 A

Question 9. The total resistance of a series circuit is equal to the difference between the largest and smallest value resistors.
  1.    True
  2.    False
Answer: Option B. -> False

Question 10. There are five resistors in a given series circuit and each resistor has 6 V dropped across it. The source voltage is
  1.    6 V
  2.    Depends on the current flow
  3.    Depends on the resistor values
  4.    30 V
Answer: Option D. -> 30 V