Electromagnetic Field Theory(Engineering > Electrical Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. A loop antenna is a commonly used for
  1.    Radar
  2.    Direction finding
  3.    Satellite communication
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Direction finding

Question 2. The divergence of a vector is a scalar, while the curl of a vector is another
  1.    Scalar
  2.    Vector
  3.    Unit vector
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Vector

Question 3. Which antenna is a wideband antenna?
  1.    Hertz antenna
  2.    Marconi antenna
  3.    Folded dipole
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option C. -> Folded dipole

Question 4. The potential that appears at a point in space due to the current which caused it is called potential
  1.    Accelerating
  2.    Retardation
  3.    Oscillating
  4.    Lagging the current
Answer: Option B. -> Retardation

Question 5. The minimum height of outer atmosphere is
  1.    100 km
  2.    150 km
  3.    200 km
  4.    400 km
Answer: Option D. -> 400 km

Question 6. The radiation pattern of a parabola antenna is
  1.    Omnidirectional
  2.    A figure of directional
  3.    Highly directional
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option C. -> Highly directional

Question 7. The virtual height of an ionospheric layer is __________ true height
  1.    Equal to
  2.    Less than
  3.    Higher than
  4.    No relation
Answer: Option C. -> Higher than

Question 8. The transmitting antennas for lower frequencies (below 500 kHz) are generally
  1.    Vertical grounded wire type
  2.    Horizontal suspended wire type
  3.    Parabolic reflector type
  4.    Any of the above
Answer: Option A. -> Vertical grounded wire type

Question 9. Which of the following will increase the antenna radiation efficiency?
  1.    Use of larger section of conductor
  2.    Providing insulation on conductor
  3.    Top loading of antenna
  4.    Any of the above
Answer: Option C. -> Top loading of antenna

Question 10. According to maximum power transfer theorem, the maximum power is absorbed by one network from another network when
  1.    The impedance of one of the networks is half that of the other
  2.    The impedance of one is the complex conjugate of the other
  3.    The impedance of one is equal to that of the other
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> The impedance of one is the complex conjugate of the other