Weather Climate And Adaptations Of Animals To Climate(7th Grade > Biology ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. _____________ is an instrument that is commonly used to measure temperature.
  1.    Thermometre
  2.    Rain gauge
  3.    Pycnometre
  4.    Speedometre
Answer: Option A. -> Thermometre
Thermometre is an instrument that is used to measure temperature. Special kind ofthermometres (alcohol thermometres) are used to measure the temperatures of different regions.
Speedometre isan instrument on a vehicle's dashboard which indicates its speed. Rain guage isa device used for collecting and measuring the amount of rain.Pycnometre isa standard vessel used for measuring and comparing the densities or specific gravities of liquids or solids.

Question 2. Which season has short days and long nights?
  1.    Summer
  2.    Winter
  3.    Spring
  4.    Autumn
Answer: Option B. -> Winter
During winters in either hemisphere,the earth is further away from sun and therefore it has shortdays and long nights. Whereas in summers, the concerned hemisphereis closer to sun andhenceit has longer days and shorternights.

Question 3. Climate includes which of the following?
  1.    Seasonal cycles
  2.    Humidity
  3.    Temperature
  4.    Rainfall 
Answer: Option A. -> Seasonal cycles
The planet rotates around an axis. At different times during the year, the northern or southern axis of Earth is closer to the sun.Thecycleofseasonsis caused byEarth'stilt toward the sun. Climate is the statistics of the environment over time which includes seasonal cycles. It describes the trend of the weather. The day to day condition of the atmosphere with respect to the temperature, humidity, rainfall, windspeed, etc describes the weather of that place.

Question 4. Which of these birds migrate to India every year?
  1.    Siberian crane 
  2.    Crow
  3.    Toucan
  4.    Peacock
Answer: Option A. -> Siberian crane 
The Siberian Crane is a species of crane whichmigrates from Siberia to places in India like Bharatpur in Rajasthan,Sultanpur in Haryana andwetlands in the northeastern states, in orderto escape theharsh winter conditions of their native country.

Question 5. Name and explain about three animals that are adapted to live in rainforests. [3 MARKS]

Each animal and its adaptation: 1 Mark
1.Red-eyed frogs have sticky pads on their feet which help them to climb trees. Monkeys also have long tails that help them to hold onto branches. This is how they adapt to find food and live on trees.
Name And Explain About Three Animals That Are Adapted To Liv...
2. A lion-tailed macaque stands out for the silver-white mane that covers its head from the cheeks to the chin. It is also known as a beard ape and can climb very well. It survives mainly on fruits, seeds, stems, young leaves, flowers, and buds. Macaques spend the maximum time of their life on trees as they get sufficient food on the tree itself.
Name And Explain About Three Animals That Are Adapted To Liv...
3. The large tusks of elephants are modified teeth and are used to tear the bark of trees for food. Their large ears help them to hear even very soft sounds and also keep them cool in hot and humid climates.
Name And Explain About Three Animals That Are Adapted To Liv...

Question 6. Name the season which has [2 MARKS]
a) short days and long nights.
b) long days and short nights.

Short days and long nights : 1 Mark
Long days and short nights: 1 Mark
a) Winter season has shortdays and long nights because the Earth is away from the Sun.
b) Summer seasonhas long days and shortnights because the Earth is closer to the Sun.

Question 7. How does the Meteorological Department help the nation? [5 MARKS]

Each point: 1 Mark
The Meteorological department collects data on temperature, wind etc., and prepares various kinds of weather reports.
1. It makes the weather predictions.
2. It provides services to aviation sector like fog information, map patterns of heating and cooling of various regions of the earth.
3. It issues various national and zonal alerts like alerts for cyclones and tsunami.
4. It studies and identifies seismic activities and provides earthquake reports.
5. It helps farmers and agriculture sectors by providing monsoon and rainfall reports.

Question 8. The lion-tailed macaque (also called beard ape) is found in which of the following regions?
  1.    Eastern Ghats
  2.    Western Ghats
  3.    Vindhyas
  4.    Thar Desert
Answer: Option B. -> Western Ghats
The lion-tailed macaque (also called beard ape)lives in the rainforests of Western Ghats,a mountain range that runs almost parallel to the western coast of the Indian peninsula. This regionis well known for its rich and unique flora and fauna.

Question 9. Which of these animals live in the polar regions?
  1.    tigers
  2.    dogs
  3.    penguins
  4.    peacocks
Answer: Option C. -> penguins
Penguins livein the polar regions.These regions are covered with snow throughout the year so the organisms living in these areashave features that support their survival.

Question 10. The maximum temperature of the day is usually recorded in the ______________.
  1.    morning
  2.    evening
  3.    afternoon
  4.    night
Answer: Option C. -> afternoon
In the afternoon,the Sunis overhead and the rays reach us directly. Hence, for most days, thetemperatureis maximum around this time. However, it may be noted that this is not a compulsory rule. There may be days when the afternoon is colder due to events like rainfall, snowfall, etc.