Reproduction In Organisms(7th Grade > Biology ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. What does a pollen grain contain?
  1.    Female gametes
  2.    Male gametes
  3.    Zygotes
  4.    Seeds
Answer: Option B. -> Male gametes
Pollen grains contain male gametes and are produced by anther.Themale gametefuses with the female gameteto produce zygote and eventually a new seed, during a process known as fertilization.

Question 2. Which of the following plants have seeds that do NOT get dispersed with the help of wind?
  1.    Drumsticks
  2.    Maple 
  3.    Cotton
  4.    Mangrove
Answer: Option D. -> Mangrove
Seeds from plants such as dandelionsare light and have feathery bristles. They can be easily carried away to a long distanceby the wind. Whereas some plants, like drumstick and maple trees, have ‘winged’ seeds. These seeds don’t float away but flutter to the ground. Both drumstick and maple tree seeds are dispersed by thewind.

Question 3. Which of the following are asexual modes of reproduction in plants?
I: Pollination
II: Vegetative propagation
III: Fragmentation
IV: Spore formation
  1.    I and III
  2.    II and III
  3.    I, II, III and IV
  4.    II, III  and IV
Answer: Option D. -> II, III  and IV
Asexual reproduction produces new individuals without the fusion ofgametes. Offspring generated this way aregenetically identical to their parents. The types of asexual reproduction in plants are vegetative propagation, fragmentation and spore formation. Pollination is a phenomenon associated withsexual reproduction that involves the transfer of male gametes. Hence choices II, III and IV arecorrect.

Question 4. The formation of a zygote requires:
  1.    two male gametes
  2.    two female gametes
  3.    one male and one female gamete
  4.    It does not need gametes
Answer: Option C. -> one male and one female gamete
A male and a female gametefuse together during fertilisation toform a zygote. This is a characteristic feature of sexual reproduction and necessary for variation.

Question 5. The process of fusion of female and male gametes to form a zygote is known as ________ .
  1.    fruit formation
  2.    dispersal
  3.    pollination
  4.    fertilisation
Answer: Option D. -> fertilisation
Fertilisation is the process in which fusion of female and male gametes occurs to form a zygote. Fruits and seeds develop only after fertilisation.

Question 6. Mention three differences between self-pollination and cross-pollination. [3 MARKS]

Each point: 1 Mark
Self PollinationCross Pollination(i)Transfer of pollen from the stamen to the pistil(i)Transfer of pollen from the stamen of one flower to the pistil of another flower ofof the same flowerthe same plant or different plants of the same kind(ii)External medium is not required(ii)External medium is required(iii)It occurs only in bisexual flowers(iii)It occurs in both unisexual and bisexual flowers

Question 7. Mention five features of asexual reproduction. [5 MARKS]

Each point: 1 Mark
1. Only one parent is involved.
2. It is quickerthan sexual reproduction.
3. No gametes are formed.
4. It does not involve fertilization.
5. There is no variation. Newly developed individuals are identical to their parents.

Question 8. State three main differences between asexual and sexual reproduction. [3 MARKS]

Each point: 1 Mark
Asexual ReproductionSexual Reproduction(i)One parent is involved(i)Two parents are involved(ii)New generation is identical or true copy of their parent(ii)New born are similar to their parents(iii)It doesn't require the formation of gametes(iii)It requires the formation of gametes

Question 9. Bisexual flowers mostly undergo which type of pollination?
  1.    Self-pollination
  2.    Cross-pollination
  3.    Self and cross-pollination
  4.    They do not undergo pollination
Answer: Option C. -> Self and cross-pollination
Bisexual flowers have both themale andfemale reproductive parts.This means they can pollinate themselves or another flower on the same plant (self-pollination) or pollinate anotherflower of the same species ofanother plant (cross-pollination).

Question 10. A fruit is a ripened ovary.
  1.    True
  2.    False
Answer: Option A. -> True
Ovariesdevelopinto fruits and ovulesinto seeds after fertilization. These fruitsare responsible for dispersing theseedsthat contain the embryo. They protect theseedsand help in the growth of a new plant.