Friction(8th Grade > Physics ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Friction can be reduced to zero by applying lots of lubricants between surfaces.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    Writing on blackboard with a chalk
  4.    Fixing a nail to wall
Answer: Option B. -> False
By applyinglots of lubricants between two surfaces, we can reduce friction. However, friction can never be entirely eliminated. Some irregularities always remain on the surfaces.

Question 2. Friction is a type of:
  1.    magnetic force
  2.    nuclear force
  3.    contact force
  4.    non-contact force
Answer: Option C. -> contact force
Friction is a type of contact force. Contact forces are those forces which necessarily require a physical contact. Friction cannot act between two surfaces if they are not touching each other.

Question 3. Which of the following methods can be used to increase friction between two surfaces?
  1.    Applying lubricant between surfaces
  2.    Using powder between surfaces
  3.    Making the surfaces more irregular
  4.    Using ball bearings
Answer: Option C. -> Making the surfaces more irregular
Friction can be increased by making the surface irregular. By using lubricants orpowder between the surfaces, friction is reduced.Ball bearings use rolling friction instead of sliding friction. As rolling friction is less than sliding friction,friction is reduced. However, makingirregularities on the surfaceincreases roughness. As a result of this, friction is increased.

Question 4. A meteor starts burning when it enters Earth's atmosphere. Which of the following correctly explains this?
  1.    Gravitational force produces heat.
  2.    Frictional force produces heat.
  3.    Magnetic force produces heat.
  4.    Electrostatic force produces heat.
Answer: Option B. -> Frictional force produces heat.
Friction can produce heat. This can be observed if you rub your palms against each other. Likewise, when a meteor enters Earth's atmosphere, air applies a frictional force (air drag) against its motion. Due to this, heat is produced and the meteor starts burning.

Question 5. Neha has to push a light box and Sohit has to push a comparatively heavier box made of same material, on the same horizontal floor. What can we say about the forces applied by them?
  1.    Neha will have to apply a larger force.
  2.    Sohit will have to apply a larger force.
  3.    Both will have to apply the same amount of force.
  4.    Both of them don't need to apply any force to move the box.
Answer: Option B. -> Sohit will have to apply a larger force.
Frictional force depends on the force with which the surfaces are pressed against each other. Heavier the object, more will be the pressing force and more will be friction. This will require a larger force to overcome friction. As Sohit is pushing a heavier box on the same surface, he will have to apply a larger force.

Question 6. A block is sliding down a fixed inclined plane as shown below.
A Block Is Sliding Down A Fixed Inclined Plane As Shown Belo...
The direction of frictional force acting on the block is:
  1.    Vertically downwards
  2.    Vertically upwards
  3.    Downwards along the inclined plane
  4.    Upwards along the inclined plane
Answer: Option D. -> Upwards along the inclined plane
Friction opposes relative motion between two bodies in contact.
It acts in direction so as to oppose the relative motion between the objects. As the block is sliding down the inclined plane, friction will act upwards along the plane to oppose the motion of the block.
A Block Is Sliding Down A Fixed Inclined Plane As Shown Belo...

Question 7. In Case Of Ice Skating, Replacing Ice Surface With Grass Wil...
In case of ice skating, replacing ice surface with grass will make no difference.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    Both will have to apply the same amount of force.
  4.    Both of them don't need to apply any force to move the box.
Answer: Option B. -> False
As the surface of ice is very smooth, frictional force is negligibly small, which helps the skaters move around easily.
However, if the ice surface is replaced with grass, friction would increase significantly because of which skating wouldn't bepossible.

Question 8. What is the frictional force exerted by fluids on objects moving through them known as?
  1.    Lift
  2.    Thrust
  3.    Weight
  4.    Drag
Answer: Option D. -> Drag
Frictional force exerted byfluids, i.e., liquids and gases on objects moving through themis known as "drag". Itis the force which opposesmotion of any object moving with respect to the surrounding fluid.

Question 9. Which of the following methods will help in reducing air drag?
  1.    Using ball bearings
  2.    Polishing
  3.    Using lubricants
  4.    Streamlining
Answer: Option D. -> Streamlining
By polishing or using ball bearings and lubricants, we can decrease friction between two solid surfaces. However, to decrease air drag, we can use streamlined objects which can easily move through air without much resistance.

Question 10. Friction that exists between two surfaces in contact when there is no relative motion between them is known as ______.
  1.    sliding friction
  2.    rolling friction
  3.    kinetic friction
  4.    static friction
Answer: Option D. -> static friction
Friction that exists between two surfaces in contactwhen there is no relative motion between themis known as static friction.It is a self-adjusting force which has a maximum limit. When the applied force overcomes thismaximum value of static friction, the object starts moving. After this,kinetic or sliding friction comes into play.