Garbage In Garbage Out(6th Grade > Biology ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Explain the 3R principle for management of biodegradable waste. [3 MARKS]

Three R's: 1 Mark each
The 3R principle is a method of waste management that stands for Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Reduce: This step involves reducing the amount of waste generation by using fewer disposable items.
Reuse: This step involves reusing items for other purposes. For example, small bottles can be cleaned and used to store food items in the kitchen.
Recycle:In this step, waste material is destroyed and the remains of the item are used to make something else. For example, used plastic plates can be melted and reshaped into plastic bottles.

Question 2. What do you mean by source reduction of wastes? Mention an item that you use in your daily life which can be reused and recycled. [2 MARKS]

Definition: 1 Mark
Example: 1 Mark
Source reduction of waste is a method of waste management in which unwanted waste materialsare recycled at the site of production and some other useful substances are produced out of the recycled material. Production of biogas using human excreta is an example of source reduction.
Examples of things in our daily liveswhich can be recycled or reused:
Any one:
a. Paper
b. Plastics
c. Vegetable and fruit peels.

Question 3. The blue dustbins provided by municipality is for which kind of waste?The Blue Dustbins Provided By Municipality Is For Which kin...
  1.    Paper 
  2.    Leaves  
  3.    Plastics
  4.    Vegetable wastes
Answer: Option C. -> Plastics
The blue dustbin is for materials like plastics, metals and glass, which can be reused. These material are generally very hard to dispose of. It saves much more time and energy toreuse them.

Question 4. Unhygienic and unsanitary conditions provide ideal ground for breeding of :
  1.    sheep and hen
  2.    cattle and goat
  3.    mosquito and flies
  4.    useful microbes
Answer: Option C. -> mosquito and flies
Breeding of mosquito and houseflies can be observed in unhygienic and unsanitary conditions, which usually turns out to be major reason for spread of diseases. They make our surroundings dirty and give off a bad odour.

Question 5. How will you make a vermicomposting pit? [5 MARKS]

Method: 1 Mark each
1. A vermicomposting pit is made with a wooden box or big cement rings. A mesh is spread at thebottom of the pit.
2. Vegetable waste, fruit waste, waste papers which arenot shiny or coated withplastic is spread over the mesh.
3. Water is sprinkled to create moisture so that the red worms canlive. A vermicomposting pit takes nearly two to four weeks to completely convert waste intomanure.
4. TheseRed worms grind the food materialwith the help of gizzards. A red worm eats food equal to itsweight every day. Waste materials rich in oils, salt, meat and vinegar stop the growth of red worms.
5. Red worms don't survive in too hot or too cold conditions. So the temperature ofthe pit is to be maintained at an optimum temperature in which the red worms can survive.

Question 6. What are the advantages of using a compost? [3 MARKS]

Advantages: 1 Mark each
Advantages of using a compost:
1. Compost increases the fertility of the soil.

2. It promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms by increasing amount of organic components of the soil.
3. Compost increases water holding capacity of the soil. It also improves the texture of the soil.

Question 7. Explain garbage disposal in detail. [5 MARKS]

Explanation: 1 Mark each
1. A large, low-lying area used to dispose off garbage is known as a dump.
2. A garbage dump is also used as landfill. Garbage collectors collect waste and then dispose it at garbage disposals.
3. Garbage dumps have flies, cockroaches and mosquitoes, and often turn into breeding grounds for micro-organisms which may cause diseases. This is the reason why garbage dumps are usually located on the outskirts of a city.
4. In the long run, when garbage mixes with soil, it takes a longer time to decay making the soil loose.
5. Burning of agricultural wastes like dried leaves and husk without disposing them properly releases smoke and harmful gases into the atmosphere. These harmful gases may cause respiratory diseases. So it is important that we dispose off garbage responsibly.

Question 8. Name the three types of garbage based on where they are generated. [3 MARKS]

Each: 1 Mark
Garbage is classified based on its source into three - domestic wastes, municipal wastes, and industrial wastes.

  • Domestic wastes are the wastes from our houses.

  • Municipal wastes are the wastes from schools, offices, roads, and shops.

  • Industrial wastes are the wastes discarded from industries and small factories.

Question 9. What do you mean by composting? [1 MARK]

The rotting and conversion of biodegradable plant and animal waste, including waste from the kitchen,into organic manure in a controlled manner using bacteria and fungi is called composting. It is slow, simple, cheap, and doesn't harm the environment.

Question 10. How do we recycle paper at home? [5 MARKS]

Steps: 1 Mark each

  • Tear the paper up into small pieces.

  • Soak these pieces in water for a day.

  • Make a thick paste and spread it on a net or sieve.

  • Let the water drain off completely. Use an old cloth or newspaper to remove the extra water from the paste and dry it.

  • Use this paste to make it into any shape you want.