Safety And First Aid(5th Grade > Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. ____ gives us the strength to do work and lift things. 
  1.    Muscle
  2.    Skin
  3.    Bones
  4.    Lungs
Answer: Option A. -> Muscle
Muscleis atissuein human bodies. Ithelps us to move our body parts and gives strength to do physical work.

Question 2. The immediate treatment that we can give ourselves or others using simple methods is called:
  1.    First Aid
  2.    Emergency Aid
  3.    Safety Aid
  4.    Simple Aid
Answer: Option A. -> First Aid
First aidis the immediate assistance given to any person suffering a sudden illness or injury.

Question 3. The helpline number for fire department is 100.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    Pain balms
  4.    Sling
Answer: Option B. -> False
100 is the helpline number for the police dedpartment.

Question 4. In case of mild burns, the first step is to  _____.
  1.    clean the wound and apply antiseptics
  2.    quickly run water over the burn
  3.    cover the burn with a clean piece of cloth
  4.    cover the the burn with a sterile gauze
Answer: Option B. -> quickly run water over the burn
In case of mild burns, the following steps should be performed in the same order.
1. Let running water flow overthe burn until the pain subsides.
2. Apply an antiseptic lotion or cream to prevent infection.
3. Visit the doctor if pain persists.

Question 5. The helpline number for the fire department is:
  1.    101
  2.    100
  3.    191
  4.    121
Answer: Option A. -> 101
101 is the helpline number for the fire department.

Question 6. If a person touched a live wire by mistake and got an electric shock, then what should be our immediate reaction?
  1.    Carry the person to the hospital
  2.    Switch off the main connection
  3.    Keep the injured person warm and still
  4.    Call a doctor
Answer: Option B. -> Switch off the main connection
If the main supply is switched off, the current will stop flowing through the body of that person.
The person can then be touched, kept warm and still and then carried to the hospital.

Question 7. How can we be sure if a person has fever or not?
  1.    By placing hand on forehead
  2.    By measuring body temperature using a thermometer
  3.    By checking if the person looks tired and weak
  4.    By checking if the person is eating properly or not
Answer: Option B. -> By measuring body temperature using a thermometer
By measuring the body temperature using a thermometer, you can be sure whether a person has fever or not.
Normal human body temperature is 98.4 degree fahrenheit.
If the thermometer reads above this temperature, this means the person has fever.

Question 8. Which is the largest organ in the human body?  
  1.    Brain
  2.    Lungs
  3.    Heart
  4.    Skin
Answer: Option D. -> Skin
Theskinis the outer covering of the body. It is the largest organ of the human body.

Question 9. Which of these instructions should be followed while going on the road?
  1.    Follow traffic rules
  2.    Do not pay attention to traffic lights
  3.    Cross the road freely
  4.    Exceed speed limit
Answer: Option A. -> Follow traffic rules
While you are on road, you should always follow the traffic rules, cross the road at zebra crossings and drive safely within the speed limit.

Question 10. The abbreviation LPG stands for:
  1.    Low Pressure Gas
  2.    Liquefied Petroleum Gas 
  3.    Light Petroleum Gas
  4.    Liquified Potassium Gas
Answer: Option B. -> Liquefied Petroleum Gas 
LPG is 'Liquefied Petroleum Gas', a flammable mixture ofgases, used as afuel in heating appliances, cooking equipments, and vehicles.