Our Universe(5th Grade > Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. ___ is the largest moon of Saturn.
  1.    Mimas
  2.    Dione
  3.    Titan
  4.    Tethys
Answer: Option C. -> Titan
- Saturn has about 62 moons out of which Titan is the largest moon which is even bigger than mercury and pluto.
- Mimas, Dione and Tethys are also the moons of saturn.

Question 2. While observing the sky, Hina noticed that the moon is round and bright on one night and a week later, only half the moon was visible. Which of the following options correctly defines this phase of moon?
  1.    Crescenting
  2.    Whirling
  3.    Waning
  4.    Waxing
Answer: Option C. -> Waning
- The Moon goes through a cycle of changing its shape when revolving around the Earth.
- After the full moon phase, the moon visible from Earth starts to decrease in size which is known as waning.
-This happens due to its position and sunlight falling on it.
While Observing The Sky, Hina Noticed That The Moon Is Round...

Question 3. Which of the following planet of our solar system is farthest from the Sun?
  1.    Pluto
  2.    Jupiter
  3.    Mercury
  4.    Neptune
Answer: Option D. -> Neptune
- Till 2006, Pluto was considered as the last planet of our solar system but after that it was excluded and was reclassified as a dwarf planet.
- Now, neptune is the last planet in our solar system and it is the farthest planet from the Sun.

Question 4. Which of the following planet is often called a morning and an evening star?
  1.    Earth
  2.    Saturn
  3.    Mars
  4.    Venus
Answer: Option D. -> Venus
- Venus appears in the eastern sky before sunrise. Sometimes it appears in the western sky just after sunset. Therefore it is often called a morning or an evening star.

Question 5. Which constellation is known to resemble a hunter?
  1.    Scorpio
  2.    Gemini
  3.    Pegasus
  4.    Orion
Answer: Option D. -> Orion
- Constellations is agroup of stars that forms an imaginary pattern.
- When Orion was noticed in the sky, people long long ago thought that it resembled a hunter. In Greek Mythology, Orion was a giant hunter.

Which Constellation Is Known To Resemble A Hunter?

Question 6. An __ is a definite path in which planet revolves around the Sun.
  1.    asteroid
  2.    orbit
  3.    orion
  4.    ursa major
Answer: Option B. -> orbit
- A planet has a definite path in which it revolves around the Sun. This path is called an orbit.

Question 7. The increasing phase size of the moon is called_______
  1.    Whirling
  2.    Crescenting
  3.    Waning
  4.    Waxing
Answer: Option D. -> Waxing
The Moon goes through a cycle of changing its shape when revolving around the Earth. This happens due to its position and sunlight falling on it. Waning means to decrease and waxing means increasing.
The Increasing Phase Size Of The Moon Is Called_______

Question 8. Which among the following planet has the fastest speed of rotation?
  1.    Neptune
  2.    Jupiter
  3.    Pluto
  4.    Earth
Answer: Option B. -> Jupiter
- Jupiter has the fastest speed of rotation among all the planets of the solar system.
- As a result of Jupiter's high speed of rotation, the duration of one day in Jupiter is the shortest among all the planets in the solar system.

Question 9. "The Great Red Spot" is a huge storm in the atmosphere of ___.
  1.    Uranus
  2.    Neptune
  3.    Jupiter
  4.    Earth
Answer: Option C. -> Jupiter
- The great red spot on jupiter is a storm that is as big as 3 earths and has been active for 200 years.
- The reason for this ferocious storm is the high speed of rotation of jupiter.

Question 10. Which of the following is the seventh planet from the Sun? 
  1.    Saturn
  2.    Neptune
  3.    Uranus
  4.    Mars
Answer: Option C. -> Uranus
- Our solar system has eight planets which revolve around the Sun.
- The order of planets in their distance from the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. So, Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun.