Body Fluids And Circulation(12th Grade > Biology ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
  1.    A person of ‘O’ blood group has anti ‘A’ and anti ‘B’ antibodies in his blood plasma
  2.    A person of ‘B’ blood group can’t donate blood to a person of ‘A’ blood group
  3.    Blood group is designated on the basis of the presence of antibodies in the blood plasma
  4.    A person of AB blood group is universal recipient
Answer: Option C. -> Blood group is designated on the basis of the presence of antibodies in the blood plasma
Blood Group is decided by the Antigen that is present on the RBCs.

Question 2. Identify the labelled parts depicted in the image .
Identify The Labelled Parts Depicted In The Image .
  1.    1 Inferior vena cava, 2. Aorta, 3. Hepatic portal vein
  2.    1. Aorta, 2. Hepatic portal vein, 3. Inferior vena cava
  3.    1. Aorta, 2. Hepatic portal vein, 3. Inferior vena cava
  4.    1. Hepatic portal vein, 2. Aorta, 3. Inferior vena cava
Answer: Option D. -> 1. Hepatic portal vein, 2. Aorta, 3. Inferior vena cava
As depicted in the image the aorta carries oxygenated blood away from the heart. Aorta branches to form various arteries. The artery which carries oxygenated blood to the liver is called the hepatic artery. The portal vein carrying blood from the digestive tract to the liver is called the hepatic portal vein. Blood from the liver through hepatic veins flow into the inferior vena cava, which carries blood to the right atrium.

Question 3. Which of the following sequences is the correct pathway for systemic circulation?
  1.    Right ventricle → pulmonary aorta → tissues → pulmonary veins → left auricle
  2.    Left auricle → left ventricle → aorta → arteries → tissues → veins → right atrium
  3.    Left auricle → left ventricle → pulmonary aorta → tissues → right auricle
  4.    Right auricle → left ventricle → aorta → tissues → veins → right auricle
Answer: Option B. -> Left auricle → left ventricle → aorta → arteries → tissues → veins → right atrium
Circulation of oxygenated blood from the left ventricle, through the arteries, to the capillaries in the tissues of the body is carried out by systemic circulation. From the tissue capillaries, the deoxygenated blood returns through a system of veins to the right atrium of the heart.

Question 4. Open vascular system is found in
  1.    Man
  2.    Fish
  3.    Prawn
  4.    Snakes
Answer: Option C. -> Prawn
Open circulatory systems that evolved in crustaceans, insects, mollusks and other invertebrates pump blood into a hemocoel with the blood diffusing back to the circulatory system between cells. Blood is pumped by a heart into the body cavities, where tissues are surrounded by the blood.

Question 5. Which of the following is not true about extracellular fluids?
  1.    The extracellular fluid has a very low concentration of sodium.
  2.    Extracellular fluid is the fluid present outside the cells.
  3.    Chemical compositions of plasma and Interstitial fluids are similar
  4.    The concentration of calcium is high in this fluid which is useful for muscle contraction.
Answer: Option A. -> The extracellular fluid has a very low concentration of sodium.
Extracellular fluid differs from intracellular fluid (fluid within the cells) in that it generally has a high concentration of sodium and low concentration of potassium, while intracellular fluid is high in potassium and low in sodium.

Question 6. Match the given cells with their characteristics.
Column IColumn II(i)Monocyte(a) secretes serotonin, histamine, heparin(ii)Neutrophil(b) forms about 20% of WBC is involved in immune response(iii)B-Lymphocytes(c) most abundant white blood cells, phagocytic(iv)Basophil(d) life span of 3 days, produces antibodies
  1.    (i) → a, (ii) → b, (iii) → c, (iv) → d
  2.    (i) → d, (ii) → c, (iii) → b, (iv) → a
  3.    (i) → c, (ii) → d, (iii) → a, (iv) → b
  4.    (i) → b, (ii) → a, (iii) → d, (iv) → a
Answer: Option B. -> (i) → d, (ii) → c, (iii) → b, (iv) → a
Monocytes are the largest of all types of leucocytes and somewhat amoeboid in shape. They are motile and phagocytic in nature and engulf bacteria and cellular debris. Their lifespan is about 10-20 hours. Neutrophils are quite large and have many lobed nucleus and abundant granules. Neutrophils are phagocytic in nature and the most numerous of all. B-lymphocytes form about 20% of white blood cells. They produce antibodies and are thus involved in immune response. Basophils have a nucleus which is three lobed and have less number of coarse granules. Their granules take basic stain and they secrete heparin, histamine and serotonin.

Question 7. Blood of AB group cannot be given to a B group patient because
  1.    the patient has anti-A antibodies.
  2.    the patient has anti-B antibodies.
  3.    the patient lacks anti-A antibodies.
  4.    the patient has both anti-A and anti-B antibodies.
Answer: Option A. -> the patient has anti-A antibodies.
Blood of AB group has A and B antigens. A person with B group produces anti-A antibodies which will act against the A antigens of AB blood group and cause clumping and clotting of blood, which can be fatal for the recipient.

Question 8. The thoracic and right lymphatic ducts return lymph to the ______.
The Thoracic And Right Lymphatic Ducts Return Lymph To The _...
  1.    Abdominal cavity
  2.    Heart ventricles
  3.    Dorsal aorta
  4.    Subclavian veins
Answer: Option D. -> Subclavian veins
The vessels draining the right half of the thorax, neck and head join to form a duct called the right lymphatic duct which empties into the right subclavian vein.
All of the vessels draining the rest of the body join to form thoracic duct present in the left half of the body. The thoracic duct also has several valves and eventually drains into the left subclavian vein. Subclavian veins, like any other vein in the body, carry blood to the heart.

Question 9. If coronary circulation is removed from the human body, which of the following effects do you think it will have on the body?
  1.    Nutrients from digestive tract will not be transported to the liver.
  2.    Mixing of deoxygenated and oxygenated blood in the heart.
  3.    The heart muscles will stop contracting.
  4.    No transmission of nerve impulses from vasomotor centre to the sympathetic nerves.
Answer: Option C. -> The heart muscles will stop contracting.
Coronary circulation is responsible for supplying blood to the muscles of the heart. From the aorta coronary arteries supply oxygenated blood to the heart muscles while coronary veins carry deoxygenated blood away from the heart muscles. If this circulation is removed our heart muscles will not receive oxygen and will eventually stop contracting.

Question 10. Fill in the following chart with the correct option.
Fill In The Following Chart With The Correct Option.
  1.    i- Granulocytes, ii- Eosinophils, iii- Monocytes
  2.    i- Eosinophils, ii- Monocytes, iii- Granulocytes
  3.    i- Granulocytes, ii- Monocytes, iii- Eosinophils
  4.    None of these
Answer: Option C. -> i- Granulocytes, ii- Monocytes, iii- Eosinophils
The WBCs are broadly classified into two types based on the presence and absence of granules, granulocytes and agranulocytes respectively. The agranulocytes are further classified into lymphocytes and monocytes. The granulocytes are classified into neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils based on the type of stain these cells take up.