Evolution(12th Grade > Biology ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Which of the following is related to divergent evolution?
  1.    Vestigial organs
  2.    Analogous organs
  3.    Homologous organs
  4.    Rudimentary organs
Answer: Option C. -> Homologous organs
In divergent evolution, certain structures developed along different directions according to their adaptation to different needs, as organisms branched off and evolved. Homologous organs are those organs that have a common origin, but perform different functions due to the changes brought in them according to requirements of the respective organisms.

Question 2. Match the following:
ColumnIColumnIIp. Homo habilis(i) Ape manq. Australopithecus(ii) Handy manr. Homo erectus(iii) Shivalik hillsq. Australopithecus(iv) Lucy
  1.    p - (ii), q - (iii), r - (i), s - (iv)
  2.    p - (iii), q - (ii), r - (i), s - (iv)
  3.    p - (ii), q - (iv), r - (i), s - (iii)
  4.    p - (i), q - (iv), r - (i), s - (iii)
Answer: Option C. -> p - (ii), q - (iv), r - (i), s - (iii)
Fossils of Ramapithecus were excavated from Shivalik hills of India. In the year 1974, Donald Johanson discovered a skeleton ofAustralopithecus afarensisin the Afar region of Ethiopia and named it “Lucy”. Homo habilis is also called the tool maker or handy man because heaps of simple tools were found along with its fossils, including sharpened stones which indicate that they were capable of making tools.Fossils discovered in Java revealed the next stage called Homo erectus, which was also called erect man or ape man.

Question 3. Which theory explains the origin of the universe?
  1.    Darwin's theory
  2.    Big Bang theory
  3.    Lamarck's theory
  4.    Theory of special creation
Answer: Option B. -> Big Bang theory
Origin of the universe is explained by the Big Bang theory. According to this theory, the universe started from an unimaginably tiny “dot”.This tiny structure is believed to have been infinitely hot and dense, and began expanding like a balloon after a supposed massive blast known popularly as the “big bang”. This theory was proposed in 1931 by Abbe Lemaitre, a Belgian priest, Astronomer and Professor of Physics at the Catholic university of Leuven. Although the reason for the blast remains unknown, it is widely believed that ever since the huge blast, the universe has been gradually and continuously expanding, and it has cooled down, leading to the formation of various atoms which have combined in different ways to form the stars and galaxies of today’s universe.Darwin and Lamarck postulated the theories of evolution which explain the process of evolution of life on earth.

Question 4. I was a frugivore ancestor of humans, who existed 10 - 13 million years ago. My fossils were found in France and most of the European countries. I was quadrupedal and walked upon the palms of my hands. Who am I?
  1.    Ramapithecus
  2.    Aegyptopithecus
  3.    Dryopithecus
  4.    Sivapithecus
Answer: Option C. -> Dryopithecus
Dryopithecus fossils were discovered in France and many others were found in European countries like Spain and Hungary. They were frugivores and quadrupedal primates which walked on their palms rather than their knuckles.

Question 5. De Vries postulated the theory of mutation by working on evening primrose.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    Aristotle
  4.    Darwin
Answer: Option A. -> True
Hugo de Vries, a Dutch botanist, conducted his experiments on Oenothera lamarckiana (evening primrose) and explained the concept of mutation.

Question 6. The phenomenon of ‘industrial melanism’ is related to
  1.    Reproductive isolation
  2.    Natural selection 
  3.    Mutation
  4.    None of these
Answer: Option B. -> Natural selection 
Biston betularia typica, commonly known as the light peppered moth commonly existed in England in the 1800s. A similar variety of this moth, Biston betularia carbonaria, known as the dark peppered moth also existed, though in much fewer numbers than the light coloured moths. However, due to the industrial revolution in England around that point of time, the smoke and pollution from industries resulted in darkening of the trees, mainly due to the soot the factories were spitting out. Since the light coloured moths could not be camouflaged by the trees anymore, they became easy prey for predating birds. The black moths, however, were now, more well hidden, and could reproduce more often because they were eaten less often. Eventually, the population of light coloured moths drastically declined, while that of the dark coloured moths widely expanded. This is an example of evolution by natural selection in which nature selected one variety over another.

Question 7. Palaeontological research involves
  1.    the study of bones
  2.    the study of missing links
  3.    the study of structures
  4.    the study of fossils
Answer: Option D. -> the study of fossils
Fossils are any preserved remains or impressions of organisms that lived in a past geological age. These could include the mineralised remains of plants or animals, remnants of bones or even footprints embedded in stratified rocks.
Palaeontology is the branch of science that deals with the study of such fossils.
Study of structure is morphology.
Study of bones is osteology. Though study of fossilised bones would be included under paleontology.

Question 8. Which one of the following is used to calculate the frequency of occurence of alleles in a population?
  1.    Genetic drift
  2.    Punnett Square
  3.    Hardy-Weinberg equation
  4.    Proportion between acquired variations
Answer: Option C. -> Hardy-Weinberg equation
Hardy-Weinberg equation is used calculate the frequency of occurrence of alleles in a population by using its equation p2+2pq+q2=1, where p is the frequency of occurrence of the dominant allele and q, that of the recessive allele. The Hardy–Weinberg principle, also known as the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium states that allele and genotype frequencies in a population will remain constant from generation to generation in the absence of other evolutionary influences.

Question 9. Which is the most important factor for continuity of a species from evolutionary point of view?
  1.    Replication of genetic material
  2.    Formation of gametes
  3.    Synthesis of proteins
  4.    None of these.
Answer: Option A. -> Replication of genetic material
Replication of genetic material is the most important factor for continuity of a species from evolutionary point of view. Only when genetic material replicates, it could be transferred from one generation to the next, resulting in continuity of a species. Asexual animals do not produce gametes while sexual animals do and yet, replication of genetic material takes place in both asexual as well as sexual animals. Synthesis of proteins does not play any role in continuity of species.

Question 10. Single step large mutation is called
  1.    Regeneration
  2.    Evolution
  3.    Organization
  4.    Saltation
Answer: Option D. -> Saltation
According to Darwin, evolution is gradual, while deVries believed that sudden heritable variations called mutation cause speciation. These mutations could also be large, in the sense that it is possible for a single large mutation to result in speciation. Such a single large mutation is called saltation. Darwin talked about variation and natural selection, leading to speciation, which ultimately results in evolution. But the cause of variation was explained by Hugo de Vries, who worked on evening primrose and explained the concept of mutation (mutation is a sudden heritable change). de Vries postulated that only mutation could lead to speciation and evolution, and that speciation could not be the result of such a slow process as Darwin had suggested. Thus, de Vries called it ‘saltation’.