The Living World(12th Grade > Biology ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Which of the following is concerned with the diversity of living organisms and the relationships among them?
  1.    Systematics
  2.    Taxonomy
  3.    Both A and B 
  4.    Phylogeny
Answer: Option A. -> Systematics
Taxonomy is the study of systematic classification of organisms. Systematics is concerned with the diversity of organisms as well as the relationships among them. Phylogeny is the study of the evolutionary history and relationships among individuals or groups of organisms.

Question 2. Sea animals like dolphins and whales breathe through their _____.
  1.    gills
  2.    blowholes
  3.    skin
  4.    spiracles
Answer: Option B. -> blowholes
Some sea animals like dolphins and whales do not havegills and they cannot breathe underwater. They breathe in air through blowholes that are located on the upper part of their head. This allows them to breathe in air when they swim near the surface of the water. Lungs then help in absorbing the oxygen from it. They can stay inside water for a long time without breathing.They come out to the surface of the water, when they need to breathe in air from the atmosphere.

Question 3. What is the basic unit of  Linnaeus's system of classification?
  1.    Species
  2.    Genus
  3.    Order
  4.    Family
Answer: Option A. -> Species
Species is the basic unit of classification. It is the smallest group in the order of hierarchy.It is often defined as a group of individuals with similar characteristics, where they can interbreed to produce fertile offsprings.
What Is The Basic Unit Of  Linnaeus's System Of Classificat...

Question 4. All ______ produce naked seeds. 
  1.    gymnosperms
  2.    angiosperms
  3.    bryophytes
  4.    pteridophytes
Answer: Option A. -> gymnosperms
Gymnosperms areseed-producing plants, but unlike angiosperms, they produce seeds without fruits. The word “Gymnosperm” comes from the Greek words “gymnos”(naked) and “sperma”(seed), hence “naked seeds”. These plants developmale and female flowers on the surface of scales or leaves, or at the end of stalks forming a cone-like structure. E.g. pinus, cycas etc.

Question 5. What is the mode of nutrition of organisms belonging to kingdom Fungi?
  1.    Autotrophic
  2.    Symbiotic
  3.    Saprophytic
  4.    Parasitic
Answer: Option C. -> Saprophytic
The mode of nutrition of organisms belonging tokingdom Fungi is saprophytic. They secrete enzymes to digest dead and decaying matter and then they absorb the digested material.

Question 6. Match the following columns of Taxa with their suffix and choose the correct sequence option.
Column I (Taxa)Column II (suffix)i). Ordera. Hominidaeii). Familyb. Homoiii). Genusc. Sapiensiv). Speciesd. Primates
  1.    i).   ⇒  b., ii). ⇒ c., iii). ⇒  a., iv). ⇒  d.
  2.    i). ⇒  d., ii). ⇒  a., iii). ⇒  b., iv). ⇒  c.
  3.    i). ⇒ a., ii). ⇒ d., iii). ⇒ b., iv). ⇒ c.
  4.    i). ⇒ a., ii). ⇒ d., iii). ⇒ c., iv). ⇒ b.
Answer: Option B. -> i). ⇒  d., ii). ⇒  a., iii). ⇒  b., iv). ⇒  c.
The correct matching pairs for the classification of Humans are:
i). Order(d.) Primates (High level of intelligence)ii). Family(a.) Hominidae (can Walk Upright)iii). Genus(b.) Homo. (humans of different ancestry)iv). Species(c.) sapiens. (modern human)
So the correct option is B: i).
d., ii). a., iii). b., iv). c.

Question 7. Which class do birds belong to?
  1.    Aves
  2.    Amphibia
  3.    Reptilia
  4.    Felis
Answer: Option A. -> Aves
Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia are all classes under superclass Tetrapoda, which further, is classified under subphylum Vertebrata. Birds are grouped under the class Aves. Examples for Amphibia, Reptilia and Mammalia are frog, snake, and bear respectively. Felis is a genus of cats.

Question 8. Which of these is the class that the domestic dog belongs to?
  1.    Mammalian
  2.    Canis
  3.    Chordate
  4.    Canidae
Answer: Option A. -> Mammalian
The domestic dog belongs to class Mammalia, which falls under phylum Chordata. Domestic dogs belong to the family Canidae, andCanis is the genus name.

Question 9. Human beings give birth to babies and feed on their mother's milk. Therefore they belong to _______ category.
  1.    Gnathostomata
  2.    Mammalian
  3.    Theria
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option C. -> Theria
Humans belong to Phylum Chordata because of the presence of an embryonic notochord. Since this notochord gets replaced with a vertebral column in the fully developed humans, they belong to subphylum Vertebrata. Further, since they have a jawline, they belong to Division Gnathostomata. This division is divided into two superclasses - Pisces(fin-bearers) and Tetrapoda (limb-bearers). Superclass Tetrapoda is sub-divided into 4 major classes - Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, and Mammalia. Those limb-bearing vertebrates that nourish their young ones with mother's milk are grouped under the class Mammalia. Theria is a subclass to which humans and many other mammals belong.

Question 10. Where is the name of the author mentioned in a scientific name?
  1.    Before the genus name, abbreviated
  2.    Before the specific epithet, abbreviated
  3.    Before the genus name, author's second name
  4.    After the specific epithet, abbreviated
Answer: Option D. -> After the specific epithet, abbreviated
Name of the author appears after the specific epithet, i.e., at the end of the biological name, and is generally written in an abbreviated form, e.g., Mangifera indica Linn. It indicates that this species was first described by Linnaeus.