Biotechnology And Its Applications(12th Grade > Biology ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Animals that had their DNA manipulated to possess & express an extra gene are known as
  1.    Foreign animals
  2.    Superior animals
  3.    Transgenic animals
  4.     Intergenic animals
Answer: Option C. -> Transgenic animals
Animals that have had their DNA manipulated to possess and express an extra (foreign) gene are known as transgenic animals. Transgenic rats, rabbits, pigs, sheep, cows and fish have been produced, although over 95 per cent of all existing transgenic animals are mice.

Question 2. Regarding the assertion and reason, choose the correct option
Assertion[A]: Bt cotton became a commercial success.
Reason[R]: Bt cotton's endotoxins acted against sucking pests like jassids, aphids and whitefly.
  1.    Both A and R are true and R explains A
  2.    Both A and R are true R does not explain A
  3.    A is true and R is false
  4.    Both A and R are false
Answer: Option C. -> A is true and R is false
Bt cotton became successful due to its effective tackling of worm pests like bollworm thus enabling good crop yields. However, this toxin is not effective in combating sucking pests like jassids, aphids and whitefly.

Question 3. Mature Insulin does not contain_____
  1.    A peptide
  2.    B peptide
  3.    C peptide
  4.    Disulphide bonds
Answer: Option C. -> C peptide
Mature insulin does not contain C peptide. C peptide is required for forming correct three dimensional structure of active insulin by bringing A and B chains in the appropriate orientation. C peptide is cleaved off from proinsulin to make functional insulin which contains A and B chain held together by disulphide bonds.

Question 4. ELISA can give a false test in the beginning of an infection due to
  1.    Low antibody
  2.    Denatured pathogen
  3.    Low concentration of pathogen
  4.    Antibody may not bind tightly to the titer plate
Answer: Option C. -> Low concentration of pathogen
ELISA works on the principle of antibody-antigen interaction. In case of low concentration of pathogen it can give false test in the beginning of infection. A low concentration of pathogen will fail to produce sufficient antibodies that are required to show a positive status for a particular disease or condition thereby making it seem like an individual is negative for a disease even if in reality he/she is in fact positive for it.

Question 5. Biopiracy is
  1.    Governing research on GMO’s
  2.    monitoring GMO’s
  3.    use of bio resources without proper authorization
  4.    Commercial production of GMO’s
Answer: Option C. -> use of bio resources without proper authorization
Biopiracy is the term used to refer to the use of bio-resources by multinational companies and other organisations without proper authorisation from the countries and people concerned without compensatory payment for the resources used.

Question 6. The main challenge for the production of insulin using rDNA technique was
  1.    Joining chain A with C peptide chain
  2.    Getting insulin assembled into its mature form
  3.    Removing B peptide chain
  4.    Separating chain A and chain B
Answer: Option B. -> Getting insulin assembled into its mature form
The main challenge for production of insulin using rDNA technique was getting insulin assembled into its mature form. The primitive form of insulin called proinsulin contains the C peptide which is not a part of mature insulin. Therefore the scientists had to make the mature insulin using reverse transcriptase and the mature mRNA of the insulin gene. This method is known as cDNA technology, where complimentary DNA sequene of the mRNA is made and inserted as a gene of interest into the bacteria.

Question 7. The trigger for activation of toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis is:
  1.    Acidic pH of stomach
  2.    High temperature
  3.    Alkaline pH of gut
  4.    Mechanical action in the insect gut
Answer: Option C. -> Alkaline pH of gut
Bt cotton is produced by introducing an endotoxin producing gene from B. thuringiensis. Once Bt cotton grows, it starts producing these toxins. This toxin enters the bollworm when they feed on cotton leaves. Upon reaching the alkaline environment of the insect’s midgut the toxin is activated and binds to specific receptors present on the lining cells. This causes autodigestion and creates holes in the midgut region leading to the death of the insect.

Question 8. The organization set up by Indian government for making decisions regarding the validity of GM research is
  1.    Genetic research committee
  2.    Genetic Engineering Approval Committee
  3.    Genetic engineering safety committee
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Genetic Engineering Approval Committee
The indian government has set up organizations such as the genetic engineering approval committee (GEAC) to make decisions regarding the validity of GM research and safety of introducing GM organisms for public services in India.

Question 9. Which of the following cannot be used to isolate insulin used by diabetic patients?
  1.    Pig
  2.    Calves
  3.    Viruses 
  4.    Transgenic bacteria
Answer: Option C. -> Viruses 
In 1921, Banting and Best first isolated insulin from fetal calves. Later, pigs and cows became the two major sources of insulin. This was at the time when genetic engineering was yet to be developed and insulin for humans was extracted from animal sources. This was extremely expensive and the quantity was very low.
Now, genetic engineering has enabled us to produce mammalian insulin from GM bacteria.
Viruses cannot be grown in synthetic medium and
hijack the host splicing machinery to process their RNA segments hence they cannot be used for the production of biological products.

Question 10. Some of the characteristics of Bt cotton are
  1.    long fibre and resistance to aphids   
  2.    medium yield, long fibre and resistance to beetle pests         
  3.    high yield and production of toxic protein crystals which kill dipteran pests    
  4.    high yield and resistance to bollworms
Answer: Option D. -> high yield and resistance to bollworms
Some characteristics of Bt cotton are high yield and resistance to boll worms. The high yield can be attributed to the resistance against pests.