Organisms And Populations(12th Grade > Biology ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. The function or position of a species within an ecological community is 
  1.    Ecotone
  2.    Ecotype
  3.    Biome
  4.    Niche
Answer: Option D. -> Niche
An ecological nichecan be consideredthe habitat of an organism, but it is not merely a spatial term, when an organism occupies a habitat it has certain behavioral adaptations that enable it to fit well into that habitat. The organism then interacts with the environment and takes on an ecological role that modifies and alters its habitat. Therefore an ecological niche can be defined as the functionof an organism in its habitat.

Question 2. Regarding assertion and reason, choose the correct option.
Assertion[A]: The case of red milk snake mimicking coral snake is classified as Batesian Mimicry
Reason[R]: Red milk snake is not venomous and they mimic the appearance of coral snake to appear dangerous to ward off unwanted predators.
  1.    Both A and R are correct and R explains A
  2.    Both A and R are correct and R does not explain A
  3.    A is correct and R is incorrect
  4.    Both A and R are incorrect
Answer: Option A. -> Both A and R are correct and R explains A
The case of red milk snake mimicking the coral snake is called Batesian Mimicry. The red milk snake is not venomous, however, it mimics the appearance of the venomous coral snake. The predators confuse red milk snake to be venomous and stay away from it.

Question 3. Select the incorrect statements
  1.    An overwhelming majority of animals and nearly all plants maintain a constant internal temperature
  2.    An orchid growing as an epiphyte on a mango branch is an example of commensalism.
  3.    In brood parasitism, the parasitic bird lays its eggs in the nest of its host and lets the host to incubate them.
  4.    Most of the animals found in the polar regions are very small
Answer: Option A. -> An overwhelming majority of animals and nearly all plants maintain a constant internal temperature
Warm blooded animals like birds and mammalsare the only animals that can maintain a constant internal temperature, most of the animals do not regulate their internal temperature.
The largest purely terrestrial animal found in Antarctica is a flightless midge (a flightless fly) that grows no more than 13mm in length. All other Antarctic animals are either smaller than this or migrate spending some of the year away from the deep south and the extreme cold. They either swim or fly away - and back again.
An orchid growing as an epiphyte on a mango branch is an example of commensalism, because the orchid derives its nourishment from the mango tree, but the mango tree however is not harmed.

Question 4. When the population size (N) approaches the carrying capacity (K). The value of dN/dt approaches
  1.    1
  2.    infinity
  3.    K
  4.    0
Answer: Option D. -> 0
In a logistic growth curve, the rate of change in population size dN/dt = rN (1-(N/K)). Here if the value of N approaches K, then the equation will become dN/dt = rN ((K/K) - (K/K)), which is equal to 0. Whereas in the intial phase of growth when N is very small, N/K is negligent and the equation will be dN/dt = rN (1) = rN

Question 5. Barnacles growing on the back of whale is an example of:
  1.    Mutualism
  2.    Parasitism
  3.    Amensalism
  4.    Commensalism
Answer: Option D. -> Commensalism
Commensalism is a relationship which is beneficial to one organism and the other is unaffected. Barnacles growing on the back of a whale gets protection and more access to food due to its relationship with the whale, while the whale is unaffected by this relationship, therefore, this relationship is commensalism. Mutualism is a relationship where both the organisms benefit. Ammensalism is where one organism is harmed while the other is unaffected and parasitism is when one organism lives off another, this relationship is beneficial to one, and harmful to the host partner.

Question 6. A group of individuals of a plant or animal species, inhabiting a given area is called
  1.    Biome
  2.    Population
  3.    Ecosystem
  4.    Community
Answer: Option B. -> Population
A population is a group of individuals of the same species inhabiting the same area. A biome on the other hand is a large ecological area having the same climate. Ecosystem is thebasic unit of ecology, consisting of a group of interconnected elements, formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their environment. Community is a group of interacting populations.

Question 7. Statement 1: We never see cattle or goats grazing on the weed Calotropis.
Statement 2: Calotropis produces highly poisonous cardiacglycosides
  1.    Both statements 1 and 2 are correct and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1.
  2.    Both statements 1 and 2 are correct and statement 2 is not the explanation of statement 1.
  3.    Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect.
  4.    Both statements 1 and 2 are incorrect.
Answer: Option A. -> Both statements 1 and 2 are correct and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1.
Calotropis commonly known as milkweed is a very poisonous and unpalatable plant. Therefore it is avoided by cattle or goats. The plant however is the sustenance for many species of caterpillars such as viceroy and monarchs butterfly.

Question 8. In the exponential growth equation:
What does "t" represent?
  1.    Population density
  2.    Growth rate or intrinsic rate of natural increase
  3.    The base of natural logarithms
  4.    Carrying capacity
Answer: Option B. -> Growth rate or intrinsic rate of natural increase
In the equation
Nt is the population size at time t
No is the initial population size at t=0,
t is time
r is the population growth rate per capita orintrinsic rate of natural increase.

Question 9. Statement 1: Small animals do not lose body heat very fast when it is cold outside.
Statement 2: Small animals have a smaller surface area relative to their volume
  1.    Both statements 1 and 2 are correct and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1.
  2.    Both statements 1 and 2 are correct and statement 2 is not the explanation of statement 1.
  3.    Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect
  4.    Both statements are incorrect
Answer: Option D. -> Both statements are incorrect
Small animals have a larger surface area to volume ratio, this means a higher surface area to lose body heat, therefore these animals lose body heat very fast when it is cold outside and must expend metabolic energy to maintain body heat.

Question 10. Select the abiotic factors of an ecosystem.
  1.    Sunlight, temperature, precipitation, water, soil and bacteria
  2.    Bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms
  3.    Sunlight, temperature, precipitation, water and soil 
  4.    Air, water and decomposers
Answer: Option C. -> Sunlight, temperature, precipitation, water and soil 
Ecosystem comprises of two major factors i.e., biotic and abiotic. Abiotic factors are the non-living components which include sunlight, temperature, precipitation, water or humidity and soil. Living components like plants, animals, microorganisms like bacteria and fungi are the biotic components of an ecosystem.