Strategies For Enhancement In Food Production(12th Grade > Biology ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Prerequisite for effective exploitation of natural genes available in the populations is
  1.    Selection of superior recombinants
  2.    Evaluation and selection of parents
  3.    Collection and preservation of wild varieties, species and their relatives
  4.    Testing, release and commercialization of new cultivars
Answer: Option C. -> Collection and preservation of wild varieties, species and their relatives
Collection and preservation of all the different wild varieties, species and relatives of the cultivated species is prerequisite for effective exploitation of natural genes available in the populations.

Question 2. Which of the following can be a remedy for inbreeding depression?
  1.    Artificial breeding
  2.    Out cross
  3.    Cross breed
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option D. -> All of the above
Continuous inbreeding causes inbreeding depression in which the offsprings produced have reduced fertility, reduced resistance to disease and eventual reduction in productivity. These unfavourable characters can be overcome by methods like outcrossing, artificial breeding and cross breeding.

Question 3. The cross between mule and hisardale indicates to which of the following breeding process?
  1.    Out breeding
  2.    Inbreeding
  3.    Artificial breeding
  4.    Natural breeding
Answer: Option A. -> Out breeding
Outbreeding refers to breeding that occurs between different breeds or different species.
Hisardale is a cross breed of sheep developed in Punjab by crossing Bikaneri ewes and Marino rams.
Male and female animals of two different related species are mated. For example : A mule is a cross between a female horse or mare and a male donkey or jack.

Question 4. Which of the following is a wheat cultivar having resistance to leaf and stripe rust disease?
  1.    Himagiri
  2.    TN-1
  3.    Pusa sadabahar
  4.    IR-8
Answer: Option A. -> Himagiri
Himagiri, a wheat cultivar, has been bred for resistance to diseases like leaf and stripe rust, a fungal disease, that causes a rust like layer to appear on the parts affected and the hill bunt disease which is another fungal disease that eats up the entire wheat kernel and fills it with fish odour spores.

Question 5. Maize variety resistant to stem borer shows
  1.    High content of nitrogen             
  2.    Low nitrogen content
  3.    Low Aspartic acid
  4.    High Malic acid
Answer: Option B. -> Low nitrogen content
Biochemical and physiological characteristics such as high aspartic acid, low nitrogen and sugar content leads to pest resistance. For e.g. in maize, the low nitrogen content leads to non-preference by the maize stem borers.

Question 6. Which of the following statement is incorrect with respect to animal husbandry?
  1.    Diseases can wipe out an entire population of livestock.
  2.    Animal husbandry can be small or large scale enterprise.
  3.    Lack of technical knowledge decreases livestock production.
  4.    Animal husbandry is a practice of merely breeding livestock.
Answer: Option D. -> Animal husbandry is a practice of merely breeding livestock.
Animal husbandry is not only the practice of breeding livestock but it is the science of rearing (also includes farm management) and breeding (selection of high yield breeds) of animals.
Lack of scientific knowledge decreases livestock production and fails to produce disease-resistant varieties of livestock. As a result, diseases can wipe out entire population of livestock in a given area, making it a prime factor that adversely affects livestock and livestock products.

Question 7. Cod liver oil is  a rich source of
  1.    Iodine
  2.    Vitamin A
  3.    Vitamin B
  4.    Vitamin C
Answer: Option B. -> Vitamin A
Cod liver oil is extracted from the liver of fishes. It is the main source of Vitamin A but in some species of fishes it can contain C, D and E also.

Question 8. Which pair is incorrectly matched?
  1.    Breeding female honey bee - Worker
  2.    Breeding female honey bee - Queen
  3.    Breeding male honey bee - Drone
  4.    Non breeding female honey bee - Worker
Answer: Option A. -> Breeding female honey bee - Worker
Each hive has one queen and 100 female worker bees for every male drone bee. The queen's only job is to lay eggs and a drone's job is to mate with the queen.A worker bee is any female bee that lacks the full reproductive capacity of the colony's queen bee. So option 1 is the wrong option where it says the breeding female honey bee is a worker. Breeding female honey bee is always the queen.

Question 9. Why is vivipary an undesirable character for crop plants?
  1.    It reduces the vigour of the plant
  2.    The seeds cannot be stored under normal conditions for the next season
  3.    The seeds exhibit long dormancy
  4.    It adversely affects the fertility of the plant
Answer: Option B. -> The seeds cannot be stored under normal conditions for the next season
Vivipary is the condition whereby the embryo (the young plant within the seed) grows first to break through the seed coat then out of the fruit wall while still attached to the parent plant. It is an undesirable character for annual crop plants because germinated seeds cannot be stored under normal conditions for the next season. Germplasm of the plant cannot be stored in the form of seeds. Germplasm is the living genetic resources such as seeds or tissue that is maintained for the purpose of plant breeding.

Question 10. Cattle diseases can be prevented by providing
  1.    Adequate and clean water
  2.    Good quality and quantity of fodder
  3.    Well maintained farm environment
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option D. -> All of the above
Farm animals have to be well maintained for the following reasons -
(i) prevention of diseases (ii) maintenance of good health (iii) obtaining high quality products. In order to achieve these we have to provide them with clean water along with good quantity and quality of fodder.