Reproductive Health(12th Grade > Biology ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. The first case of IVF-ET technique success was reported by ___.
  1.    Louis joy Brown and Banting Best
  2.    Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards
  3.    Robert Steptoe and Gilbert Brown
  4.    Baylis and Starling Taylor
Answer: Option B. -> Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards
First IVF – ET was successfully reported by Patrick Steptoe & Robert Edwards. In Vitro Fertilization - Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET) is a fertility procedure which was first successfully carried out as recently as 1978 by Dr. Edwards (an embryologist) and Dr. Steptoe (a gynecologist) in England. Since then the technology has been further refined and developed by physicians and embryologists, with over 20,000 babies born worldwide.

Question 2. Which of the following is not a physical barrier preventing pregnancy?
  1.    Cervical cap
  2.    IUD
  3.    Diaphragm
  4.    Condom
Answer: Option B. -> IUD
Physical barriers preventing pregnancy form barriers between the sperm and the egg. Examples of these include the male condom, female condom, diaphragm, cervical cap, and sponge. IUDs are intrauterine devices. An IUD is a tiny device that is inserted in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. It is a long-term, reversible, and one of the most effective birth control methods. However it is not a physical barrier between egg and the sperm.IUDs primarily work by preventing fertilisation. The progestrone released from the hormonal IUDs may prevent ovulation from occurring but only partially. Primarily the hormone thickens the cervical mucus so that sperm cannot reach the fallopian tubes, thus acting as a mechanical contraceptive, but not a physical barrier.

Question 3. HIV does not transmit through
  1.    Mosquito bite
  2.    Shaking hands with AIDS patient
  3.    Sharing meals, toilets of AIDS patient
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option D. -> All of the above
HIV does not transmit through mosquito bite , shaking hands with AIDS patient and sharing meals or toilets of AIDS patient . It is a sexually transmitted disease - Contact between broken skin, wounds, or mucous membranes, sexual intercourse and HIV-infected blood or blood-contaminated body fluids are the sources that spread the disease.

Question 4. Gonorrhoea is caused by ___.
  1.    Treponema pallidum
  2.    Entamoeba gingivalis
  3.    Mycobacterium leprae
  4.    Neisseria gonorrheae
Answer: Option D. -> Neisseria gonorrheae
Gonorrhoea is an infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.It not only affects the reproductive tract, but can also affect the mucus membranes of the mouth, throat, eyes, and rectum. The infection is transmitted through sexual contact with an infected person involving the penis, vagina, anus, or mouth.
Treponema pallidium causes syphilis.
Entamoeba gingivalis is the first amoeba in humans to be described. It is found in the mouth inside the gingival pocket biofilm near the base of the teeth, and in periodontal pockets.
Mycobacterium leprae are the bacteria that cause leprosy, a skin disease.

Question 5. In mammals, when the testis fails to descend into the scrotum the condition is known as ___.
  1.    Paedogenesis
  2.    Castration
  3.    Cryptorchidism
  4.    Impotency
Answer: Option C. -> Cryptorchidism
Undescended testes (or cryptorchidism) is a condition when one or both of the testes have not descended into the scrotum at birth, but stay in the abdomen or only move part way down into the scrotum.At puberty, if a testis is still in the abdomen, no sperm can develop in that testis, a possible cause of low sperm count and infertility.

Question 6. Which of the following organism is present in most diagnosed cervical cancers?
  1.    Herpes simplex virus
  2.    Human papilloma virus (HPV)
  3.    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  4.    Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
Answer: Option B. -> Human papilloma virus (HPV)
Human papilloma virus (HPV), the virus that causes genital warts and microscopic cell changes in the genital area is also a risk factor for cervical cancer. Although HPV is present in 97% of the diagnosed cervical cancers, this sexually transmitted virushas not been firmly established as the cause of cervical cancer, but as a risk factor for cervical cancer. Studies also show that women who smoke are at a higher risk of developing cervical cancer than non-smokers.

Question 7. Which of the following birth control measure can be considered as the safest?
  1.    The rhythm method
  2.    The use of physical barriers
  3.    Termination of unwanted pregnancy
  4.    Sterilization techniques
Answer: Option D. -> Sterilization techniques
Sterlization techniques like vasectomy and tubectomy are considered as safest. During a sterilization procedure, a health care provider closes or blocks a woman's fallopian tubes.Vasectomy is a surgical procedure for male sterilization or permanent contraception. During the procedure, the male vas deferens are severed and then tied or sealed in a manner so as to prevent sperm from entering into the ejaculate and thereby prevent fertilization. And these methods are irreversible and adviced for couples who have already had children. Among physical method and rhythmic method physical method is more reliable.

Question 8. The family planning programmes were initiated in the year
  1.    1975
  2.    1951
  3.    1960
  4.    1970
Answer: Option B. -> 1951
Population growth has been a cause of worry for the Government of India since a very long time. Just after independence, the Family Planning Association of India was formed in 1949. The country launched a nationwide Family Planning Programme in 1952, a first of its kind in the developing countries. This covered initially birth control programmes and later included under its wing, mother and child health, nutrition and family welfare.

Question 9. The number of organisms in population are added by
  1.    Immigration
  2.    Birth
  3.    Emigration
  4.    both (a) & (b)
Answer: Option D. -> both (a) & (b)
Population growth is the increase in the number of individuals in a population. Population is added by births and immigration. Immigration is when people move to a place and the population of that place increases.

Question 10. ZIFT is a technique that involves the transfer of which one of the following into the fallopian tube?
  1.    Zygote 
  2.    Embryo
  3.    Sperm
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option A. -> Zygote 
ZIFT involves the transfer of zygote. ZIFT is similar to invitro fertilization (IVF), where a complex series of procedures used to treat fertility or genetic problems and assist with the conception of a child is used. During ZIFT, mature eggs are collected (retrieved) from the ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a lab and the zygote formed is transferred into the fallopian tube within 24 hours for descend and implantation in the uterus.