General Principles And Process Of Isolation Of Elements(12th Grade > Chemistry ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. In the commercial electrochemical process for Aluminium extraction, the electrolyte used is:
  1.    Al(OH)3 in NaOH
  2.    An aqueous solution of Al2(SO4)3
  3.    A molten mixture of Al2O3 & Na3AlF6
  4.    A molten mixture of Al2O3 & Al(OH)3
Answer: Option C. -> A molten mixture of Al2O3 & Na3AlF6
In the electrolytic extraction of Aluminium, purified alumina is mixed with Na3AlF6 and CaF2. Cryolite (Na3AlF6) helps dissolve Alumina and lowers the melting point of this mix to about 1050 C. Pure Alumina melts at about 2100 C. CaF2 is added to enhance the conductivity.
In The Commercial Electrochemical Process For Aluminium Extr...
As shown in the above image, the surface on the inside of the steel case is coated with a graphite lining, which acts as the cathode. The electrolyte is a molten mixture of cryolite, molten Alumina and CaF2.

Question 2. Of the given options, choose the combination that contains metals whose ores are most appropriate for roasting. In other words, Sulphide ores are common for which kind of metals?
  1.    Ag, Cu, Pb
  2.    Ag, Cu, Sn
  3.    Ag, Mg, Pb 
  4.    Al, Cu, Pb
Answer: Option A. -> Ag, Cu, Pb
Let us look at the chief ores of the given metals:
Copper: CuFeS2 (chalcopyrites).
Silver: Ag2S (Argentite)
Lead: PbS (Galena)

Question 3. For a thermodynamically spontaneous process the change in free energy is __.

A spontaneous process is one that needs no intervention from outside. It is also called a irreversible reaction. It releases free energy and moves to a lower, thermodynamically more stable state.The change in free energy is negative.

Question 4. Which of the following pair of metals is purified by van Arkel method?
  1.    Ga & In
  2.    Ag & Au
  3.    Zr & Ti
  4.    Ni & Fe
Answer: Option C. -> Zr & Ti
van Arkel Method: The impure metal (Zr and Ti) are converted to a volatile compound, impurities being unaffected. Theformed pure volatile compound is decomposed to get the pure metal. Hence this is a method to obtain ultra pure metal by refining. Hf & Si can also be purified by van Arkel method.

Question 5. Complete the following
2Al2O3+3C4A+3B. A & B are as follows.
  1.    Al, CO 
  2.    CO, Al
  3.    Al, CO2
  4.    CO2,Al
Answer: Option C. -> Al, CO2
Alumina reacts with carbon or coke to form Aluminium and carbon dioxide.
This is not used to extract aluminium as the (very high) temperature makes the process economically unviable. Also, at such elevated temperatures (2000 0C), aluminium could react with coke (carbon) to form aluminium carbide.

Question 6. Froth floatation can be applied to non-sulphide ores.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    Ni(CO)4 Δ−→ Ni+4CO
  4.    ZrI4 Δ−→ Zr+2I2
Answer: Option A. -> True
The underlying principle behind the process is differential wettability of ore and matrix. In other words, if by adding suitable reagents, ore and gangue can be wetted differentially, then this method can be applied to non-sulphide ores as well.
For example,
The activator Na2S is added to Malachite CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 so that a coating of CuS is formed around ore particles, such that the ore is now conducive for froth floatation. Na2S can also be added to anglesite PbSO4 so that the ore can be dressed using froth floatation.

Question 7. Which of the following statements is true about magnetic separation?
  1.    It is used when only ores are magnetic in nature.
  2.    It is used when only impurities are magnetic in nature
  3.    It is used when both ores and impurities are magnetic in nature.
  4.    It is used when either ore or impurities are magnetic in nature.
Answer: Option D. -> It is used when either ore or impurities are magnetic in nature.
Electromagnetic separation is applicable when either the ore particles or the impurities are magnetic (attracted by a magnet) in nature. Electromagnets present in a rotor attracts magnetic particles forming a separate heap from non-magnetic particles.

Question 8. When copper pyrite is roasted in excess of air, a mixture of Cu2S and FeO are formed. FeO is present as impurity. This can be removed as slag during Smelting. The flux added to form slag is
  1.    Silica which is an acidic flux
  2.    Limestone, which is a basic flux
  3.    SiO2 which is a basic flux
  4.    CaO which is a basic flux
Answer: Option A. -> Silica which is an acidic flux
FeO (Basic gangue) impurity is mixed with SiO2 (acidic flux) to form a fusible slag
FeO +SiO2 FeSiO3

Question 9. Mond’s Process involves
  1.    Cr2O3 +Al Δ−→ 2Cr+Al2O3
  2.    TiCl4  +2Mg Δ−→ Ti +2MgCl2
  3.    Ni(CO)4 Δ−→ Ni+4CO
  4.    ZrI4 Δ−→ Zr+2I2
Answer: Option C. -> Ni(CO)4 Δ−→ Ni+4CO
Mond’s / Carbonyl process is a technique created by Ludwig Mond in 1890 to extract and purify Nickel.
NiO(s) +H2 200C−−− Ni(s) +H2O(g)
Ni(s) +4CO(g) 5060C−−−− Ni(CO)4(g)
Ni(CO)4(g) 220250C−−−−−− Ni(s)+4CO(g)

Question 10. Gravity separation is generally applicable for heavier ores such as Haematite and Cassiterite.
  1.    True
  2.    False
Answer: Option A. -> True
Gravity separation also known as hydraulic washing is based on the differences in weight between the gangue and the metal. In general, the metal particles of the ore are heavier than the impurities. So we use the principle of gravity separation to separate the two.
Finely pulverized (powdered) ore is treated with a stream of water such that the lighter gangue particles are washed away leaving behind the heavier ore particles. This is particularly applicable for heavier ore like Cassiterite and Haematite.