Environmental Chemistry(12th Grade > Chemistry ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Assertion (A): Use of Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) is hazardous to environment. Reason (R): CFC’s are very reactive, flammable and toxic gases.
  1.    Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
  2.    Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
  3.    A is correct but R are not correct.
  4.    A is not correct but R is correct.
Answer: Option C. -> A is correct but R are not correct.
CFC’s are responsible for depletion of ozone layer. Hence it is hazardous to environment. But they are non-reactive, non-flammable and non-toxic gases. That’s why they are used in refrigerators.

Question 2.  Minamata disease is due to pollution of
  1.    organic waste into drinking water
  2.    oil spill in water
  3.    industrial waste mercury into fishing water
  4.    arsenic into the atmosphere
Answer: Option C. -> industrial waste mercury into fishing water
Due to Hg poisoning in fishing water,minamataiscaused.

Question 3. Loam soil contains equal amounts of
  1.    sand
  2.    silt 
  3.    clay, humus, air and water
  4.    all of the above.
Answer: Option D. -> all of the above.
Loam soil contains almost equal amounts of sand, silt, clay humus, air and water.

Question 4.  Which of the following statement is not true? Reforestation will-
  1.    transpire more water vapour 
  2.    cause more rain fall
  3.    increase pollution by particulate matter
  4.    raise the underground water level.
Answer: Option C. -> increase pollution by particulate matter
Reforestation will decrease the pollution by particulate matter because it helps in deposition of suspended particulates on the leaves which are subsequently washed down by rain waters.

Question 5. Water is often treated with chlorine to
  1.    increase oxygen content
  2.    kill germs
  3.    remove suspended particles
  4.    remove hardness
Answer: Option B. -> kill germs
Water is treated with chlorine to kill germs.

Question 6. Modes of controlling pollution in large cities include-
  1.    less use of insecticides
  2.    proper disposal of organic wastes, sewage and industrial effluents.
  3.    shifting of factories out of the residential area
  4.    all the above.
Answer: Option D. -> all the above.
All three can prevent pollution in large cities.

Question 7. Which of the following statement is true about the ozone layer?
  1.    It is harmful because ozone is dangerous to living organism
  2.    It is beneficial because oxidation reaction can proceed faster in the presence of ozone.
  3.    It is beneficial because ozone cuts off the UV radiation of the sun.
  4.    It is harmful because ozone cuts out the important radiations of the sun which are vital for photosynthesis.
Answer: Option C. -> It is beneficial because ozone cuts off the UV radiation of the sun.
Ozone layer in upper atmosphere absorbs UV radiations and is beneficial to human life.

Question 8. CFCl3 is responsible for the decomposition of ozone layer. Which of the following reacts with ozone to form oxygen?
  1.    Cl2
  2.    Cl−
  3.    F−
  4.    Cl∗
Answer: Option D. -> Cl∗
The free radical produced causes destruction of ozone.

Question 9. Which one is not correct? Greenhouse effect:
  1.    Is mainly due to high concentration of CO2 in atmosphere
  2.    Is influenced by gases such as CH4, O3 and chlorofluorocarbons
  3.    Would result in the warming up of the earth
  4.    Would result in lowering the level of oceans due to high evaporation
Answer: Option D. -> Would result in lowering the level of oceans due to high evaporation
Greenhouse effect would cause melting of polar ice caps and glaciers that will result in increasing the ocean levels, thereby causing submergence of low lying areas.

Question 10. If BOD of river is high, it means that the river is:
  1.    Not polluted
  2.    Very much polluted with inorganic chemicals
  3.    Very much polluted with organic chemicals which are decomposed by micro-organisms
  4.    Polluted with pesticides
Answer: Option C. -> Very much polluted with organic chemicals which are decomposed by micro-organisms
BOD is the amount of oxygen required by bacteria to break down the organic matter present in certain volume of water. High BOD means high demand for oxygen, which means high levels of organic pollutants.