States Of Matter(12th Grade > Chemistry ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. A cubical vessel has a side with 'I' cm lenth contained a gas at a pressure of 'p'. when the side of the vessel is made 12 cm, the pressure of gas becomes?
  1.    P
  2.    P8
  3.    2P
  4.    8P
Answer: Option D. -> 8P
P1V1 =P2V2
P. l3 = p2 (12)3
P2 = 8P

Question 2. The temperature above which gas cannot be liquefied by application of pressure alone is
  1.    Boyle temperature
  2.    Curie temperature
  3.    Critical temperature
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option C. -> Critical temperature
This is the definition of critical temperature.

Question 3. Pressure of a mixture of 4 g of O2 and 2 g of H2 confined in a bulb of 1 litre at 0°C is___.
  1.    25.215 atm
  2.    31.205 atm
  3.    45.215 atm
  4.    15.210 atm
Answer: Option A. -> 25.215 atm
No. of moles of O2=432=0.125
No.of moles of H2=22=1
Total no. of moles = 1+0.125 = 1.125

Question 4. Helium atom is two times heavier than a hydrogen molecule at 298 K, the average kinetic energy of helium is
  1.    Two times that of a hydrogen molecule
  2.    Same as that of a hydrogen molecule
  3.    Four times that of a hydrogen molecule
  4.    Half that of a hydrogen molecule
Answer: Option B. -> Same as that of a hydrogen molecule
EHeEH2=THeTH2 so energies will be same for
He & H2 at same temperature.

Question 5. In which of the gases given below, the average speed of the molecule is the least at 1000K?
  1.    CO2
  2.    SO2
  3.    O2
  4.    CH4
Answer: Option B. -> SO2
Speed is inversely proportional to molecular weight. Molecular weight of SO2 is highest among the four. Hence its speed is least.

Question 6. The density of Ne is maximum at
  1.    STP
  2.    0∘C, 2atm
  3.    273∘C, 1 atm
  4.    273∘C, 2 atm
Answer: Option B. -> 0∘C, 2atm
For an ideal gas, density(d) will be the maximum when Pressure is high and the temperature is low.
Therefore option B is correct as it satisfies these conditions.

Question 7. The density of vapour of a substance (X) at 1 atm pressure and 500 K is 0.8 kgm3. The vapour effuses through a small hole at a rate of 45 times slower than oxygen under the same condition. What is the compressibility factor (Z) of the vapour? 
  1.    0.974
  2.    1.35
  3.    1.52
  4.    1.22
Answer: Option C. -> 1.52

Question 8. The ratio of the rate of diffusion of helium and methane under identical condition of pressure and temperature will be___.
  1.    4
  2.    2
  3.    1
  4.    0.5
Answer: Option B. -> 2

Question 9. According to kinetic theory of gases, for a diatomic molecule
  1.    The pressure exerted by the gas is proportional to the mean velocity of the molecules
  2.    The pressure exerted by the gas is proportional to the root mean square velocity of the molecules
  3.    The root mean square velocity is inversely proportional to the temperature
  4.    The mean translational kinetic energy of the molecules is proportional to the absolute temperature
Answer: Option D. -> The mean translational kinetic energy of the molecules is proportional to the absolute temperature
All molecules of an ideal gas show random motion. They collide with each other and walls of container during which they lose or gain energy so they may not have same kinetic energy always.

Question 10. A sample of O2 gas is collected over water at 23 C at a barometric pressure of 751 mm Hg (vapour pressure of water at 23 C is 21 mm Hg). The partial pressure of O2 gas in the sample collected is ......            
  1.    21 mm Hg
  2.    751 mm Hg
  3.    0.96 atm
  4.    1.02 atm
Answer: Option C. -> 0.96 atm
Pressure ofO2(dry) = 751 - 21 = 730 mm Hg = 730760= 0.96 atm