Solid State(12th Grade > Chemistry ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. In AgBr crystal, the ion size lies in the order Ag+<<Br. On the basis of the given information only, the AgBr crystal should have the following characteristics
  1.    Defectless (perfect) crystal
  2.    Schottky defect only
  3.    Frenkel defect only
  4.    Both Schottky and Frenkel defects
Answer: Option C. -> Frenkel defect only
AgBr exhibits Frenkel defect due to large difference in the size of Ag+andBrions.

Question 2. If the value of ionic radius ratio (rcra) is 0.52 in an ionic compound, the geometrical arrangement of ions in crystal is
  1.    Tetrahedral
  2.    Planar
  3.    Octahedral
  4.    Pyramidal
Answer: Option C. -> Octahedral
The value of ionic radius ratio is 0.52 which is between 0.414 – 0.732 then the geometrical arrangement of ions in crystal is octahedral.

Question 3. Ferrous oxide has a cubic structure and each edge of the unit cell is 5.0 . 
Assuming density of the oxide as Ferrous Oxide Has A Cubic Structure And Each Edge Of The Uni..., then the number of 
Ferrous Oxide Has A Cubic Structure And Each Edge Of The Uni... ions present in each unit cell will be
[MP PET 2000]
  1.    Four  and four
  2.    Two  and four
  3.    Four  and two
  4.    Three  and three
Answer: Option A. -> Four  and four
Let the units of ferrous oxide in a unit cell =n, molecular weight of ferrous oxide
Ferrous Oxide Has A Cubic Structure And Each Edge Of The Uni...
Ferrous Oxide Has A Cubic Structure And Each Edge Of The Uni...

Question 4. Which of the following is not a characteristic properties of a solid state?
  1.    Definite shape
  2.    Incompressible
  3.    Large intermolecular distances
  4.    Fixed positions of the constituent particles
Answer: Option C. -> Large intermolecular distances
Following are the characteristic features of a solid state:
I.Definite shape, volume and mass
II.Intermolecular distances are short and intermolecular forces are strong
III.They are incompressible and rigid
IV.The constituent particles have fixed positions and can oscillate only about their mean positions

Question 5. If NaCl is doped with 103mol% SrCl2, then the concentration of cation vacancies will be
  1.    1×10−3mol%
  2.    2×10−3mol% 
  3.    3×10−3mol% 
  4.    4×10−3mol%
Answer: Option A. -> 1×10−3mol%
Each Sr2+ion introduces one cation vacancy
number of cation vacancies = % mole of Sr2+=103mol%

Question 6. The number of atoms in 100 g of an FCC crystal with density d=10 g/cm3  and cell edge equal to 100 pm is equal to
Answer: Option A. -> 1×10−3mol%
The Number Of Atoms In 100 G of An FCC Crystal With Density...

Question 7. A solid is made of two elements X and Z. The atoms Z are in CCP arrangement while the atom X occupy two-third of the tetrahedral sites. What is the formula of the compound?
  1.    XZ
  2.    XZ2
  3.    X4Z3 
  4.    X2Z3
Answer: Option C. -> X4Z3 
Tetrahedral sites are double compared to octahedral sites; and X is present in two-third of them
a) So, ratio of X and Z equals 2×(23):1=4:3
formula of the compound = X4Z3

Question 8. In a solid lattice, cation and an anion both have left lattice site. The lattice defect is known as
  1.    intertial defect
  2.    valency defect
  3.    Frenkel defect
  4.    Schottky defect
Answer: Option D. -> Schottky defect
It is stoichiometric imperfection, Crystals having ratio of radius of cation to anion is high

Question 9. Doping of silicon (Si) with Arsenic (As) leads to
  1.    n-type semiconductor
  2.    p-type semiconductor
  3.    Metal
  4.    Insulator
Answer: Option A. -> n-type semiconductor
Arsenic has 5 valence electrons; 4 of them take part in covalent bond formation and the remaining one gets delocalized. This gives rise to an electron-rich impurity or n-type semiconductor.

Question 10. Hexagonal close packed arrangement of ions is described as
  1.    ABC ABA
  2.    ABC ABC
  3.    ABABA
  4.    ABBAB
Answer: Option C. -> ABABA
ABAB…… is hexagonal close packing