Chemical Equilibrium(12th Grade > Chemistry ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Ammonia under a pressure of 15 atm at 27C is heated to
347C in a closed vessel in the presence of a catalyst. Under the conditions, NH3 is partially decomposed according to the equation,
2NH3  N2 + 3H2 .The vessel is such that the volume remains effectively constant whereas pressure increases to
50 atm. Calculate the percentage of  NH3 actually decomposed.
  1.    65%
  2.    61.3%
  3.    62.5% 
  4.    64%
Answer: Option B. -> 61.3%
Mole at equilibrium (a2x)x3x
Initial pressure of NH3 of a mole = 15 atm 27C
The pressure of 'a' mole of NH3=patmat347C
p=31 atm
At constant volume and at 347C,mole α pressure
%ofNH3 decomposed = 2xa×100

Question 2. Calculate   G  for conversion of oxygen to ozone
 3/2O2(g)  O3(g) at 298K, if Kp for this conversion is 2.47 × 1029
(Use log(2.47) = 0.4)
  1.    163 KJ mol−1
  2.    2.4 X 102 KJ mol−1
  3.    1.63 KJ mol−1
  4.    2.38 X 106 KJ mol−1
Answer: Option A. -> 163 KJ mol−1

Question 3. At a certain temperature and a total pressure of 105 Pa, iodine vapours contain 40 % by volume of iodine atoms
[I2(g)  2 I(g)]. Kp for the equilibrium will be
  1.    0.67
  2.    1.5
  3.    2.67 × 104
  4.    9.0 × 104
Answer: Option C. -> 2.67 × 104
Partial pressure of I atoms

Partial pressure of l2(p2)=60×105/100Pa=0.6×105Pa

Question 4. In a reaction A+2B  2C; 2 moles ofA, 3 mole of B and 2 mole of C are placed in a 2 L flask and the equilibrium concentration of C is 0.5 mole/L. The equilibrium constant K for the reaction is:
  1.    0.073
  2.    0.147
  3.    0.05
  4.    0.026
Answer: Option C. -> 0.05
K=(0.5)2/(1.25×(2)2)=0.05 Note that concentration of C has decreased, i.e., to attain equilibrium, reaction has shifted backwards. Decrease in conc. of C will be 0.5mol/L and hence increase in concentration of B will be 0.5mol/L and that of A will be 0.25mol/L

Question 5. The vapor density of completely dissociated NH4Cl would be
  1.    same as that of NH4Cl
  2.    double than that of NH4Cl
  3.    half than that of NH4Cl
  4.    slightly less than that of NH4Cl
Answer: Option A. -> same as that of NH4Cl
On dissolution of NH4Cl into NH3+HCl number of moles become double. Hence, volume is doubled and therefore, density is halved.

Question 6. Assertion (A): Water boiling in an open vessel at a fixed temperature is an example of physical equilibrium.
Reason (R): Temperature does not change during the process of boiling. Which of the following is correct?
  1.    Both A & R are correct and R is correct explanation of A.
  2.    Both A & R are correct but R is not a correct explanation of A.
  3.    A is true but R is false
  4.    A is false but R is true.
Answer: Option D. -> A is false but R is true.
Equilibrium is possible only in a closed vessel. Hence A is false.
Boiling occurs at a constant temperature at a given pressure. Hence R is true.

Question 7. Which of the following is incorrect about the following reaction –
2SO2(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g)  H = 45 kCal
  1.    High pressure will be favorable for production of SO3 .
  2.    High temperature will favor forward reaction.
  3.    Decreasing  SO3  concentration will reduce the rate of backward reaction.
  4.    Doubling the volume of container while keeping temperature same, will shift the equilibrium in reverse direction.
Answer: Option B. -> High temperature will favor forward reaction.
a) Increasing pressure favors the reaction in the direction in which no. of moles decreases. As number of moles is decreasing in forward direction, hence increasing pressure will favor the production of SO3
b) Increasing temperature favors endothermic reaction. Here forward reaction is exothermic; hence high temperature will not favor forward reaction.
c) k[SO3]Hence it will decrease on reducing conc. of SO3
d) Increasing the volume reduces the pressure. Hence it will favor backward reaction in this case as number of moles is increasing in backward direction.

Question 8. For the gas phase reaction C2H4+H2C2H6, ΔH = -32.7kcal carried out in a vessel, the equilibrium concentration of C2H4 can be increased by -
  1.    increasing the temperature
  2.    Increasing concentration of H2
  3.    Decreasing temperature
  4.    Increasing pressure
Answer: Option A. -> increasing the temperature
Since backward reaction is endothermic, increase in temperature favors backward reaction

Question 9. An amount of solid  NH4HS is placed in a flask already containing ammonia gas at a certain temperature and  0.50 atm pressure. Ammonium hydrogen sulphide decomposes to yield  NH3 and  H2S gases in the flask. When the decomposition reaction reaches equilibrium, the total pressure in the flask rises to  0.84 atm. The equilibrium constant for  NH4HS decomposition at this temperature is
  1.    0.30
  2.    0.18
  3.    0.17
  4.    0.11
Answer: Option D. -> 0.11
Total Pressure at eqilibrium =0.5+x+x=0.84

Question 10. For the reaction PCl5(g)  PCl3(g) + Cl2(g), the forward reaction at constant temperature is favored by –
  1.    Introducing an inert gas at constant volume
  2.    Introducing chlorine gas at constant volume
  3.    Introducing an inert gas at constant pressure
  4.    Decreasing the volume of container
Answer: Option C. -> Introducing an inert gas at constant pressure
a) Introducing an inert gas at constant volume does not change the partial pressure of gases. Hence it does not affect the equilibrium.
b) Introducing chlorine gas at constant volume will favor the backward reaction.
c) Introducing inert gas at constant pressure means, one has to increase the volume of the container given temperature is also not changing.
Increasing container volume will favor the forward reaction. Henceoption (c) is correct.
d) Decreasing the container volume will favor backward reaction.