Chemical Kinetics(12th Grade > Chemistry ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Chemical reactions with very high Ea values are generally:
  1.    Very fast
  2.    Very slow
  3.    Moderately fast
  4.    Spontaneous
Answer: Option B. -> Very slow
A reaction with very high Eawill have very small fraction of effective collision of molecules.

Question 2. The half-life for the reaction, N2O52NO2+12O2 is 12 minutes at 30C. Starting with 100 g of N2O5 how many gram of N2O5 will remain after a period of 1 hour 36 minutes.
  1.    1.25 g
  2.    0.39 g
  3.    1.77 g
  4.    0.5 g
Answer: Option B. -> 0.39 g
One hour 36 minutes, i.e., 96 minutes is 8 half lives
Hence the amount left over is 10028=100256=0.39g

Question 3. A first order reaction is half completed in 45 minutes. How long does it need for 99.9% of the reaction to be completed?
  1.    20 hours
  2.    10 hours
  3.    7.5 hours
  4.    5 hours
Answer: Option C. -> 7.5 hours
Each half life would reduce the concentration to half of its original value. So, 99.9% completion takes place in 10 half-lives. Remember 210=1024 and 1/10240.001
Hence time taken = 45 × 10 minutes = 450 minutes = 7.5 hours.

Question 4. The rate at which a substance reacts depends upon:
  1.    Atomic weight
  2.    Atomic number
  3.    Molecular weight
  4.    Active mass
Answer: Option D. -> Active mass
The rate of a reaction depends on the active mass of the reactants

Question 5. Certain bimolecular reactions which follow first order kinetics are called
  1.    Bimolecular reaction s
  2.    Unimolecular reactions
  3.    First order reaction
  4.    Pseudo unimolecular reactions
Answer: Option D. -> Pseudo unimolecular reactions
Pseudo unimolecular reactions

Question 6. The conversion of A to B follows second order kinetics. Doubling the concentration of A increases the rate of formation of B by a factor of
  1.    2
  2.    4
  3.    12
  4.    14
Answer: Option B. -> 4
For a second order kinetics of the reaction A B we have rate = k[A]2. When conc. of A is doubled the rate of the reaction increases by a factor of 22(=4). Since rate of conversion of A = rate of formation of B. Hence rate of formation of B also increases 4 times.

Question 7. The rate equation for the reaction 2A + B C is found to be a : r = k[A][B]. The correct statement in relation of this reaction is that the
  1.    Rate of formation of C is twice the rate of disappearance of A
  2.    t12 is a constant
  3.    Unit of k is s−1
  4.    Value of k is independent of the initial concentration of A and B
Answer: Option D. -> Value of k is independent of the initial concentration of A and B
The order of the reaction is two. Option (b) and (c) apply to first order reactions. Options (a) is wrong since the rate of formation of C is half the rate of disappearance of A. Option (d) is always true since value of k for any order is independent of the initial concentration of the reactants.

Question 8. The activation energy for a reaction at the temperature TK was found to be 2.303 RTJmol1. The ratio of the rate constant to Arrhenius factor is ___
  1.    10−2
  2.    10−1
  3.    2×10−2
  4.    2×10−3
Answer: Option B. -> 10−1
loge(kA)=2.303 or 2.303log10(kA)=2.303
Ak=antilog1=10 or kA=110=101

Question 9. The half-life of a first order reaction is 24 hrs. If we start with 10 M initial concentration of the reactant then conc. after 96 hrs will be
  1.    6.25 M
  2.    1.25 M
  3.    0.125 M
  4.    0.625 M
Answer: Option D. -> 0.625 M

Question 10. A first order reaction is 60% complete in 20 minutes. How long will the reaction take to be 84% complete?
  1.    76 mins
  2.    54 mins
  3.    68 mins
  4.    40 mins
Answer: Option D. -> 40 mins
If a reaction is 60% complete, 40% remains and if it is 84% complete, 16% remains.
For a first order reaction: