Chemical Bonding(12th Grade > Chemistry ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. The correct sequence of decrease in the bond angles of the following hydrides is
  1.    NH3> PH3> AsH3> SbH3
  2.    NH3> AsH3> PH3> SbH3
  3.    SbH3> AsH3> PH3> NH3
  4.    PH3> NH3> AsH3> SbH3
Answer: Option A. -> NH3> PH3> AsH3> SbH3
NH3 has sp3 hybridisation with bond angle 1070 where as PH3,AsH3,SbH3 has pure orbitals overlapping with bond angle around 900

Question 2. Which of the following is false regarding dipole moments of the following
  1.    CH3Br> CH3I
  2.    BeCl2> SO2
  3.    NH3> NF3
  4.    HF >HCl
Answer: Option B. -> BeCl2> SO2
BeCl2 is linear with zero dipole moment & SO2 is angular with dipole moment

Question 3. The structure of  CH2=C=CH2 is
  1.    Linear
  2.    Planar
  3.    Non-planar
  4.    Has several resonance structures
Answer: Option C. -> Non-planar
The pi bonds are at right angles to each other.
The Structure Of  CH2=C=CH2 Is

Question 4. Among the following which species has same number of σ and π bonds.
  1.    C7H8
  2.    C2(CN)4
  3.    C2H4
  4.    C2H2
Answer: Option B. -> C2(CN)4
C2(CN)4 molecule contains 9σ and 9 πbonds.
Each C bonded to N would have 2 pi and 1 sigma bond. So that is a total of 8 pi bonds. There is one pi bond between -C=C- in the middle.
The rest of the bonds are all sigma bonds - 1 each between C and N making a total of 4, 1 between the central carbon atoms, and 1 each between the central carbons and the C from CN, making a total of 9 sigma bonds.

Question 5. Which among the following compound have non-zero dipole moment?
Answer: Option B. -> C2(CN)4
(μ0) for the cis isomer:
Which Among The Following Compound Have Non-zero Dipole Mome...
The trans isomer has 0 dipole moment as expected:
Which Among The Following Compound Have Non-zero Dipole Mome...

Question 6. When the hybridization state of carbon atom changes from sp3 to sp2 and finally to sp, the angle between the hybridized orbitals:
  1.    Decreases gradually
  2.    Decreases considerably
  3.    Not effected
  4.    Increases progressively
Answer: Option D. -> Increases progressively
From 109.28 to 120 to 180 degrees.

Question 7. Which of the following H-bonds is expected to have maximum strength?
  1.    H-O......H
  2.    H-N.......H
  3.    H-S.......H
  4.    All have same strength
Answer: Option A. -> H-O......H
Oxygen is more electronegative than N, S

Question 8. H - B - H bond angle in BH4 is: 
  1.    180o
  2.    120o
  3.    109o
  4.    90o
Answer: Option C. -> 109o
BH4 is tetrahedral

Question 9. The shape of covalent molecule MX3 is 
  1.    Triangular
  2.    T - shaped  
  3.    Pyramidal
  4.    Either of these depending on the number of lone pairs of electrons on M
Answer: Option D. -> Either of these depending on the number of lone pairs of electrons on M
Shape depends on number of lone pair electrons

Question 10. The hybridisation of atomic orbitals of nitrogen in NO2+NO3 and NH4+ are:
  1.    sp, sp3 and sp2 respectively
  2.    sp, sp2 and sp3 respectively
  3.    sp2,sp and sp3 respectively
  4.     sp2,sp3 and sp respectively
Answer: Option B. -> sp, sp2 and sp3 respectively
The Hybridisation Of Atomic Orbitals Of Nitrogen In NO2+, N...
The Hybridisation Of Atomic Orbitals Of Nitrogen In NO2+, N...
The Hybridisation Of Atomic Orbitals Of Nitrogen In NO2+, N...