Hydrocarbons(12th Grade > Chemistry ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Which one of the following reactions is most suitable for the preparation of n-propyl benzene
  1.    Friedel-Craft's reaction
  2.    Wurtz reaction
  3.    Wurtz-Fittig reaction
  4.    Grignard reaction
Answer: Option C. -> Wurtz-Fittig reaction
Which One Of The Following Reactions Is Most suitable For T...

Question 2. Bond length of C - C in ethane (I) Ethene (II) Ethyne (III) and Benzene (IV) follows the order
  1.    I > II > III > IV
  2.    I > II > IV > III
  3.    I > IV > II > III
  4.    III > IV > II > I
Answer: Option C. -> I > IV > II > III
Ethane = 1.54 A0, Ethene = 1.33 A0, Ethyne = 1.21 A0, Benzene = 1.39 A0

Question 3. In the case homologous series of alkanes, which one of the following statements is incorrect
  1.    The members of the series are isomers of each other
  2.    The members of the series have similar chemical properties
  3.    The members of the series have the general formula CnH2n+2 where n is an integer
  4.    The difference between any two successive members of the series corresponds to 14 unit of relative atomic mass
Answer: Option A. -> The members of the series are isomers of each other
The difference between any two successive members of the homologous series -CH2-i.e., the molecular weight of every two adjacent members differ by 14.

Question 4. Number of isomeric alkynes of C5H8 is
  1.    1
  2.    2
  3.    3
  4.    4
Answer: Option C. -> 3
Number Of Isomeric Alkynes Of C5H8 Is

Question 5. The ratio of σ and π bonds in benzene is
  1.    2
  2.    4
  3.    6
  4.    8
Answer: Option B. -> 4

Question 6. In the reaction
HCCH+2AgNO3NH4OH−−−−X+2NH4NO3+2H2O 'X' is
  1.    Ag2C
  2.    Ag2C2
  3.    AgC
  4.    AgOH
Answer: Option B. -> Ag2C2

Question 7. Incorrect statement among the following is
Incorrect Statement Among The Following Is
  1.    Formation of 'X' is electrophilic addition and 'Y' is free radical addition
  2.    'X' and 'Y' are positional isomers
  3.    'X' gives propene with alc KOH
  4.    'Y' gives 2,3 - dimethyl butene on wurtz reaction
Answer: Option D. -> 'Y' gives 2,3 - dimethyl butene on wurtz reaction
X is CH3CHBrCH3 - Markovnikov product.
On the other hand,Y is obtained via peroxide or anti-Markovnikov addition: Y is CH3CH2CH2Br
'Y' gives n-hexane on Wurtz reaction

Question 8. The reaction of 1 - bromo - 3 - chloro cyclo butane with metallic sodium in dioxane gives
Answer: Option D. -> 'Y' gives 2,3 - dimethyl butene on wurtz reaction
Gives Bicyclo[1,1,0] butaneThe Reaction Of 1 - Bromo - 3 - Chloro Cyclo Butane With Met...

Question 9. Which equation represents an example of Friedel-Craft's reaction
  1.    C6H6+C2H5ClAlCl3−−−→C6H5C2H5+HCl
  2.    C2H5OH+HClZnCl2−−−−→C2H5Cl+H2O
  3.    C6H5Cl+CH3COClAlCl3−−−→C6H5COCH3+Cl2
  4.    C2H5Br+MgEther−−−→C2H5Mgr
Answer: Option A. -> C6H6+C2H5ClAlCl3−−−→C6H5C2H5+HCl

Question 10. During the electrolysis of aqueous solution of sodium acetate, the nature of solution left in the vessel and its PH is
  1.    Neutral and 7
  2.    Basic and > 7
  3.    Acidic and < 7
  4.    Basic and < 7
Answer: Option B. -> Basic and > 7
during electrolysis NaOH(Strong base) is formed.