Redox Reactions(12th Grade > Chemistry ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. The reaction H2S+H2O22H2O+S shows
  1.    Oxidizing action of H2S
  2.    Reducing action of H2S
  3.    Alkaline nature of H2S
  4.    Acidic nature of H2S
Answer: Option B. -> Reducing action of H2S
In this reactionH2O2 acts as an oxidising agent and H2S acts as a reducing agent as sulphur gains electron and changes its oxidation state from -2 to 0. As its oxidation state increases, it reduces other reactants.

Question 2. Which of the following is the strongest oxidising agent
  1.    BrO−3/Br2+, E0=+1.50
  2.    Fe3+/Fe2+, E0=+0.76
  3.    MnO−4/Mn2+, E0=+1.52
  4.    Cr2O2−7/Cr3+, E0=+1.33
Answer: Option C. -> MnO−4/Mn2+, E0=+1.52
Reduction potential is a measure of the tendency of a chemical species to acquire electrons and thereby be reduced. Measured in volts (V), or millivolts (mV) - each species has its own intrinsic reduction potential. The more positive the potential, the greater the species' affinity for electrons and tendency to be reduced. Hence - among the given options - MnO4is strongest oxidising agent. In other words -MnO4 has the best affinity to get reduced and thus has the greatest ability to oxidise.

Question 3. For the reaction C2H6(g)+nO2CO2(g)+H2O(l), the ratio of the coefficients of CO2 and H2O is:
  1.    1:1
  2.    2:3
  3.    3:2
  4.    1:3
Answer: Option B. -> 2:3
The balanced equation is: 2C2H6+7O24CO2+6H2O. As you can see - the ratio of the coefficients of CO2 and H2O is 4:6 or 2:3.

Question 4. Which of the following reactions involves oxidation-reduction
  1.    NaBr+HCl⟶NaCl+HBr
  2.    HBr+AgNO3⟶AgBr+HNO3
  3.    H2+Br2⟶2HBr
  4.    2NaOH+H2SO4⟶Na2SO4+2H2O
Answer: Option C. -> H2+Br2⟶2HBr
Observe this reaction:
Which Of The Following Reactions Involves Oxidation-reductio...
In the elemental state, both H2 and Br2 have zero Oxidation numbers. In HBr - the hydrogen atom has +1 oxidation state whereas the bromine atom has -1 oxidation state.

Question 5. A solution of sulphur dioxide in water reacts with H2S precipitating sulphur. Here sulphur dioxide acts as
  1.    an oxidising agent
  2.    a reducing agent
  3.    an acid
  4.    a catalyst
Answer: Option A. -> an oxidising agent
First - let us write down the reaction:
In H2S, sulphur has an oxidation number of-2. In SO2 Sulphur has an oxidation number of +4.
On the right-hand side, we only have elemental sulphur whoseoxidation number is 0. The sulphur in SO2 changes its oxidation number from +4 to 0.
This means that the sulphur is gaining electrons. We know that when a reactantgains electrons,it gets reduced. Hence, SO2 is getting reduced.
Also, the reactant that gets reduced is the oxidising agent. Hence, here, SO2 acts as an oxidising agent.

Question 6. A reducing agent is a substance which can
  1.    Accept electron
  2.    Donate electrons
  3.    Accept protons
  4.    Donate protons
Answer: Option B. -> Donate electrons
A substance which is capable of reducing other substances by donating electrons is called a reducing agent or reductantor reducer.

Question 7. Which of the following is the most powerful oxidizing agent
  1.    F2
  2.    Cl2
  3.    Br2
  4.    I2
Answer: Option A. -> F2
Fluorine is the most powerful oxidising agent as reflected by a very high reduction potential of nearly 2.87.

Question 8. In the reaction 
C2O24+MnO4+H+Mn2++CO2+H2O the reductant is
  1.    C2O2−4
  2.    MnO−4
  3.    Mn2+
  4.    H+
Answer: Option A. -> C2O2−4
In this reaction C2O24 act as a reducing agent.

Question 9. Starch paper is used to test for the presence of
  1.    Iodine
  2.    Oxidising agent
  3.    Iodide ion
  4.    Reducing agent
Answer: Option A. -> Iodine
Starch paper are used for iodine test
as: I+oxidantI2

Question 10. Which of the following is not a reducing agent
  1.    NaNO2
  2.    NaNO3
  3.    HI
  4.    SnCl2
Answer: Option B. -> NaNO3
NaNO2and HI have reducing and oxidising properties respectively butNaNO3has only oxidising property.