Chemical Thermodynamics(12th Grade > Chemistry ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. The bond dissociation energy of C - H in CH4 from the equation
C(g) + 4H(g) CH4(g)     ΔH = -397.8 Kcal is
  1.    +99.45 kcal
  2.    -99.45 kcal
  3.    +397.8 kcal
  4.    -397.8 kcal
Answer: Option A. -> +99.45 kcal
The equation for bond dissociation can be given by
CH4(g) C(g) + 4H(g)ΔH = 397.8 kcal
There are in total of 4 C - H bonds
Therefore the energy needed to break a C - H bond can be given by 397.84= + 99.45 kcal

Question 2. Calculate entropy change for vaporization of 1 mole of liquid water to steam at 100C if ΔHv=40.8 kJ mol1.
  1.    ΔSv=107.38 JK−1 mol−1
  2.    ΔSv=109.48 JK−1 mol−1
  3.    ΔSv=109.38 JK−1 mol−1
  4.    ΔSv=107.38 JK−1 mol−1
Answer: Option C. -> ΔSv=109.38 JK−1 mol−1
For entropy change of vaporization can be given as, ΔSv=ΔHvT
Given values are, ΔHv=40.8×103Jmol1; T=373K
Therefore ΔSv=(40.8×103373)

Question 3. Consider an endothermic reaction  XY with the activation energies Eb and Ef for the backward and forward reactions, respectively. IN general
  1.    There is no definite relation between EbandEf
  2.    Eb=Ef
  3.    Eb>Ef
  4.    Eb
Answer: Option D. -> Eb
Enthalpy of reaction(ΔH)=Ea(f)Ea(b) for an endothermic reactionΔH = + ve hencefor ΔH to be negativeEa(b) < Ea(f)

Question 4. A gas mixture 3.67 L in volume contains C2H4 and CH4 is proportion of 2:1 by moles and is at 25C and 1 atm. If the ΔHC (C2H4) and ΔHC  (CH4) are 1400 and 900 kJ/mol find heat evolved on burning this mixture
  1.    20.91 kJ
  2.    50.88 kJ
  3.    185 kJ
  4.    160 kJ
Answer: Option C. -> 185 kJ
Volume of C2H4 = 3.67×23=2.45Lit
Volume of CH4 = 1.22Lit
Mole of C2H5 = PV = nRTn = PVRT
= 1×2.450.082×298=n=0.1mole
Mole of CH4 = nCH4 = 1×1.220.082×298=0.05mole
Energy released due to combusting 1 mole C2H4=1400KJ
Energy released due to combusting 1 mole C2H4 = 1400×0.1=140kJ
Similar energy released in combusting 0.05 mole
So that heat realized = 140+45 = 185kJ/mole

Question 5. The ΔH and ΔS for a reaction at one atmospheric pressure are +30.558 kJ and 0.066 k J k1 respectively. The temperature at which the free energy change will be zero and below this temperature the nature of reaction would be:
  1.    483 K, spontaneous
  2.    443 K, non-spontaneous
  3.    443 K, spontaneous
  4.    463 K, non-spontaneous
Answer: Option D. -> 463 K, non-spontaneous
Now, to get T, let's use
Here, H=+30.558KJ
Now, at 463 KG = 0
If we go below 463 K, TS value will decrease and G value will become positive.
Therefore, non-spontaneous

Question 6. Which of the following processes is an iso-entropic process?
  1.    Isothermal process
  2.    Adiabatic process
  3.    Isobaric process
  4.    Isochoric process
Answer: Option B. -> Adiabatic process
What do you mean by iso-entropic process?
The name itself is giving you the answer.
The entropy should be same before and after the process occurs.
Here we know that,
In case of adiabatic process,
dq = 0
Therefore ΔS = 0

Question 7. For the reaction H2O(s)H2O(l) at 0°C and normal pressure
  1.    △H > T△S
  2.    △H = T△S
  3.    △H = △G
  4.    △H < T△S
Answer: Option B. -> △H = T△S
Let's look at the reaction.
H2O(s)H2O(l) at 0C
It will be in equilibrium at 0C
Now, At equilibrium
G = 0
&G = H - TS
H - TS = 0

Question 8. If the bond energies of H – H, Br – Br and H – Br are 433, 192 and 364 kJ mol1 respectively, the ΔH for the reaction ; H2(g)+Br2(g)2HBr(g) is
  1.    – 261 kJ
  2.    + 103 kJ
  3.    + 261 kJ
  4.    – 103 kJ
Answer: Option D. -> – 103 kJ

Question 9. Energy required to dissociate 4g of gaseous hydrogen into free gaseous atoms is 208 Kcal at 25o C. The bond energy of H - H bond will be:
  1.    1.04 Kcal
  2.    10.4 Kcal
  3.    104 Kcal
  4.    1040 Kcal
Answer: Option C. -> 104 Kcal
Energy needed to dissociate 4g is 208 Kcal
Number of moles of H2 = 2 mole
Energy needed to dissociate 1 mole = 2082= 104 Kcal
The bond energy is 104 Kcal in case of H - H bond.

Question 10. 1 mole of an ideal gas is compressed isothermally and reversibly at 298 K from a pressure of 1 Pa. To do a work of 100J, to what final pressure should we compress it? (R = 8.314 J/K/mol)
  1.    0.96 Pa
  2.    1.0412 Pa
  3.    10 Pa
  4.    96 Pa
Answer: Option B. -> 1.0412 Pa