Themes In Indian History Iii Modern History(Exams > NCERT > History ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Q. The popular response to the Non cooperation movement in 1920 came in the form of:

  1.   Non payment of the taxes.

  2.   Boycott of the foreign goods.

  3.  Emergence of parallel governments in different parts of the country.

  4.   Violation of the forest laws

Select the correct answer using the code given below.
  1.    1 only
  2.    2 and 3 only
  3.    1, 2 and 4 only
  4.    1, 2, 3, and 4
Answer: Option C. -> 1, 2 and 4 only
Statement 1, 2 and 4 is correct:
The non-cooperation movement was launched on 1 August 1920. The non-cooperation program included the surrender of titles and honors, the boycott of government affiliated schools and colleges, law courts, foreign cloth, and could be extended to include resignation from the government service and mass civil disobedience, including non-payment of taxes.
The popular response to the call for non-cooperation came in the form of students who stopped going to government-run schools and colleges. Lawyers refused to appear before the court. The working class has been on strike in many towns and cities. Hill tribes in northern Andhra have violated the laws of the forest. Farmers in Awadh have not paid any taxes.
Statement 3 is incorrect:
However, parallel governments emerged in different parts of the country, such as Satara, Medinipur, during the Quit India movement in 1942 not during the non-cooperation movement.

Question 2. Q. Consider the following statements about’ the Cripps Mission of 1942.

  1. Sir Stanford Cripps was a member of British Cabinet.

  2. It sought the Indian support for the British efforts in World war II.

  3. The congress insisted on the appointment of an Indian as a  defence member of viceroy's executive council.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
  1.    1 and 2 only
  2.    1 and 3 only
  3.    2 and 3 only
  4.    1, 2 and 3
Answer: Option D. -> 1, 2 and 3
Statement 1 and 2 is correct:
The Cripps mission was sent to India in March 1942 to ensure the active cooperation of the Indians in World War II. It was headed by Stafford Cripps, a Labor minister who had previously actively supported the Indian National Movement. Even though Cripps had announced that the aim of British policy in India was 'the early realization of self-government in India,' the Draft Declaration he had presented to him was disappointing. The declaration promised the status of India Dominion and a post-war constitutional body whose members would be elected by provincial assemblies and nominated by rulers in the case of princely states.
Statement 3 is correct: The Congress insisted that if it were to help the British defend India from the powers of the Axis, the Viceroy would first have to appoint an Indian as a Defense Member of its Executive Council.

Question 3. Q. With reference to the system of subsidiary alliance, consider the following statements:

  1. It was devised by Lord Dalhousie.

  2. The British took the responsibility to protect the princely states.

  3. A British resident was  attached to the royal court on behalf of the governor general.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
  1.    1 and 2 only
  2.    2 and 3 only
  3.    3 only
  4.    1, 2 and 3
Answer: Option B. -> 2 and 3 only
The Subsidiary Alliance was a system established by Lord Wellesley in 1798. All those who had entered into such an alliance with the British had to accept certain terms and conditions:
The Subsidiary Alliance was a system devised by Lord Wellesley in 1798. All those who entered into such an alliance with the British had to accept certain terms and conditions:
(a) The British would protect their allies against external and internal threats
(b) A British armed contingent would be stationed in the territory of the ally.
(c) The resources for maintaining this contingent would be charged from the ally.
(d) The permission of British is mandatory for the ally to sign agreements and engage in warfare with other rulers.
A British resident would be stationed in the court of the ally as the representative of the governor general to supervise the administration.

Question 4. Q. Arrange the following satyagrahas led by Gandhiji in chronological order

  1. Kheda Satyagraha

  2. Champaran satyagraha

  3. Ahmedabad Textile mill satyagraha

  4. Rowlatt Satyagraha

Select the correct answer using the code given below.
  1.    1-2-3-4
  2.    2-3-1-4
  3.    2-1-3-4
  4.    1-2-4-3
Answer: Option B. -> 2-3-1-4
2.Champaran satyagraha(1917): In 1917 marked the first instance of Individual satyagraha in India, seeking to obtain for the peasants security of tenure as well as the freedom to cultivate the crops of their choice.
3.Ahemedabad Mill strike(1918):The following year, 1918, Gandhiji took part in two campaigns in his home state of Gujarat. First, he intervened in a labor dispute in Ahmedabad, demanding better working conditions for textile mill workers.
1.Kheda Satyagraha(1918):After a few days of a mill strike in Ahmedabad, Gandhiji joined the peasants in Kheda in asking the state for a remission of taxes following the failure of their harvest.
4.The Rowlatt satyagraha in 1919: It was organized against the unjust enactment of Rowlatt act. Gandhiji called for a nationwide campaign against the acts. Rowlatt satyagraha made Gandhi a truly national leader. Encouraged by its success, Gandhiji called for a campaign of "non-cooperation" with British rule.

Question 5. Q. With reference to the revolt of 1857 Consider the following statements :

  1. Lord Canning was the governor general when the revolt took place.

  2. The Enfield rifles using greased cartridges were introduced by governor general Lord Hardinge.

  3. Colin Campbel was appointed as the commander of the British forces to fight the rebels.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
  1.    1 only
  2.    1 and 2 only
  3.    2 and 3 only
  4.    1, 2 and 3
Answer: Option D. -> 1, 2 and 3
Statement 1 is correct:Lord Canning was governor general of India from 1856 to 1862. He was also the first Viceroy of India after the transfer of power from the East India Company to the British Crown in 1858.
Statement 2 is correct:Henry Hardinge, who was governor general of India from 1844 to 1848, attempted to modernize the army's equipment as governor general. The Enfield rifles that were first introduced used the greased cartridges that the Sepoys had rebelled against.
Statement 3 is correct:Colin Campbel was appointed Commander of the British Forces to recover the lost garrisons from the rebels. He came with his forces and rescued the besieged British garrison in Lucknow.

Question 6. Q. The permanent settlement in Bengal was aimed at achieving following objectives

  1. To ensure a secured income for the company.

  2. To promote investments in agriculture.

  3. To create a class loyal to the company.

Which of the statements given above is /are correct?
  1.    1 only
  2.    1 and 3 only
  3.    2 and 3 only
  4.    1, 2, and 3 
Answer: Option D. -> 1, 2, and 3 
The permanent settlement was introduced in 1793 by Charles Cornwallis (1738-1805) in Bengal. British officials hoped to solve the problems they had faced since the conquest of Bengal by introducing a permanent settlement.In the 1770s, the rural economy in Bengal was in turmoil, with frequent famines and declining agricultural production. Officials felt that agriculture, trade and state revenue resources could all be developed by encouraging investment in agriculture. This could be done by securing property rights and fixing the rate of revenue demand on a permanent basis.
If the State's demand for revenue was permanently fixed, the Company would be able to look forward to a regular flow of revenue, while entrepreneurs could feel confident that they would make a profit from their investment, as the State would not stifle it by increasing its claims. The process, officials hoped, would lead to the emergence of a class of yeomen farmers and rich landowners who would have capital and business to improve agriculture. Nurtured by the British, this class would also have been loyal to the Company.

Question 7. Q. With reference to Lahore Session of Indian national congress in 1929, consider the following statements:

  1. It was presided over by Jawaharlal Nehru.

  2. The Resolution of ‘Purna swaraj' was passed during the session.

  3. In response to the resolution passed here 30 January 1930 was celebrated as an independence day all over the country.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
  1.    1 and 2 only
  2.    2 only
  3.    2 and 3 only
  4.    1, 2 and 3
Answer: Option A. -> 1 and 2 only
At the end of December 1929, the Congress held its annual session in the town of Lahore. The meeting was significant in two respects: the election of Jawaharlal Nehru as President, the passing of the leadership baton to the younger generation; and the proclamation of a commitment to "Purna Swaraj" or complete independence. Now the pace of politics has picked up again. On 26 January 1930, "Independence Day" was celebrated, the national flag was raised in different venues and patriotic songs were sung.

Question 8. Q. With reference to Santhal tribes consider the following statements

  1. They resided at the foothills of the Rajmahal hills.

  2. They primarily practiced shifting cultivation.

  3. Their settlements were encouraged by the British.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
  1.    1 only
  2.    1 and 2 only
  3.    1 and 3 only
  4.    1, 2, and 3
Answer: Option C. -> 1 and 3 only
The Santhals were encouraged by the British to settle on the foothills of the Rajmahal hills to clear the forests and practice settled agriculture. By 1832 a large area of land had been demarcated as Damin-i-Koh. It has been declared the property of the Santhals. They had to work within it, practice plough farming, and become settled peasants. In comparison to the santhals, the Paharia tribes who lived on the hills opposed the British effort to settle them and practice agriculture.
The Santhals, however, soon noticed that the land they had cultivated slipped away from their hands. The state levied heavy taxes on the land that the Santhals had cleared, the money lenders (dikus) charged them high interest rates and took over the land when the debts remain unpaid, and the zamindars asserted control over the Damin district. By the 1850s, the Santhals felt the time had come to revolt against the zamindars, money lenders, and the colonial state, in order to establish an ideal world for themselves where they would govern. This issue led to Santhal revolt in (1855-56).

Question 9. Q. With reference to the Ryotwari system introduced by the British in India,consider the following statements:

  1. Under it the revenue was directly settled with the ryot.

  2. The revenue demand was fixed in perpetuity.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
  1.    1 only
  2.    Both 1 and 2
  3.    2 only
  4.    Neither 1 and 2
Answer: Option A. -> 1 only
The revenue system that was implemented in the Madras and some parts of Bombay presidency was known as the ryotwari settlement. In contrast to the permanent system, the revenue was settled directly with the ryot. The average income from different types of soil has been estimated, the revenue-paying capacity of the ryot has been assessed and the proportion of it has been fixed as the share of the state. Land was resurveyed every 30 years and the rate of revenue increased. Consequently, the need for revenue was no longer constant and was not set in perpetuity.

Question 10. Q. With reference to the Deccan riots commission, consider the following statements:

  1. It was appointed by the Government of Bombay.

  2. It reported that the high government demand was the cause of the revolt.

  3. It blamed the money lenders for the revolt.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
  1.    1 only
  2.    2 and 3 only
  3.    1 and 3 only
  4.    1, 2 and 3
Answer: Option C. -> 1 and 3 only
Following riots in Deccan (1875) the Deccan Riots Committee was appointed by the Bombay government to investigate the causes. The Commission produced a report which was presented to the British Parliament in 1878. This report, referred as the Deccan Riots Report, provides historians with a range of sources for the study of riots.
The Committee reported that the government's demand was not the cause of peasant rage. It was due to the moneylenders. This argument is found in colonial records very frequently. The report showed that the colonial government was reluctant in admitting that public dissatisfaction was ever caused by government action.