Fundamental Of Physical Geography(Exams > NCERT > Geography ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Q. Despite Sun being overhead throughout the year at the equator, it receives comparatively less insolation than tropics. This is because 

  1. Heavy cloudiness due to continuous evaporation that reduces the amount of insolation.

  2. Coriolis force is zero at the equator.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
  1.    1 only
  2.    2 only
  3.    Both 1 and 2
  4.    Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: Option A. -> 1 only
Explanation :
Statement 1 is correct: Generally, at the same latitude the insolation is more over the continent than over the oceans, because oceans are cloudier due to greater evaporation. Similarly, in the equator, evaporation is high, cloudiness is high and rains are frequent. Clouds reflect incoming solar insolation and send it back to space which reduces the insolation.
Statement 2 is incorrect: Zero Coriolis force would mean that winds are not deflected with great force at the equator, as they are at the subtropics. It is an apparent force that acts on objects that are in motion. It is not the reason for less insolation in the equator when compared to the tropics.

Question 2. Q. The phenomenon of Aurora Borealis, the display of red and green lights in the northern hemisphere, is due to radiations in which one of the following layers?
  1.    Troposphere
  2.    Mesosphere
  3.    Stratosphere
  4.    Ionosphere
Answer: Option D. -> Ionosphere
The luminous effect of electro-magnetic phenomena in the ionosphere is known as Aurora, visible in high latitudes as red, green and white arcs, draperies, streamers, rays and sheets in the night sky, best developed at a height of about 90 kms, i.e, the ionosphere. Probably, the aurora is the result of magnetic storms and of electrical discharges from the sun during periods of sun-spot activity, causing ionization of gases, though this is still a matter of research.
It is called the Aurora Borealis (or northern lights) in the northern hemisphere and the Aurora Australis in the southern hemisphere.

Question 3. Q. Which of the following best explains the concept of ‘DEGASSING’?
  1.    The first biological production of oxygen by unicellular organisms in the atmosphere.
  2.    A planetary atmosphere accumulated which would consist of primordial gases.
  3.    The process of continuous volcanic eruptions due to tectonic activity.
  4.    The process through which the gases were outpoured from the interior of the earth.
Answer: Option D. -> The process through which the gases were outpoured from the interior of the earth.
During the cooling of the earth, gases and water vapour were released from the interior solid earth, which started the evolution of the present atmosphere. The early atmosphere largely contained water vapour, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia and very little of free oxygen. The process through which the gases were outpoured from the interior is called degassing.

Question 4. Q. The main reason that the earth experiences the highest temperatures in the subtropics in the northern hemisphere rather than at the equator is :
  1.    Subtropical areas tend to have less cloud cover than equatorial areas.
  2.     Subtropical areas have longer day hours in the summer than the equatorial.
  3.    Subtropical areas have an enhanced “greenhouse effect” compared to equatorial
  4.    Subtropical areas get heated by the hot ocean currents more than equatorial  locations.
Answer: Option A. -> Subtropical areas tend to have less cloud cover than equatorial areas.
Subtropical areas tend to have less cloud cover than equatorial areas. Clouds help in offsetting the temperature on the surface of the Earth due to which there can be less heat penetration from the sun. When clouds are not there or are less in amount, the heat is directly radiated from the sun due to which there will be higher temperatures in the region.
That is the reason why areas of earth experience higher temperatures in the subtropics of the northern hemisphere rather than at the equator.

Question 5. Q. Consider the following statements with reference to Volcanoes:

  1. Composite Volcanoes are the largest of all the volcanoes on the Earth.

  2. Shield volcanoes are mostly made up of basalt and are not steep.

  3. Caldera is the most explosive of the Earth’s volcanoes.

Which of the statements given above are correct?
  1.    1 and 2 only
  2.    1 and 3 only
  3.    2 and 3 only
  4.    1, 2 and 3
Answer: Option C. -> 2 and 3 only
Statement 1 is incorrect: The shield volcanoes are the largest of all the volcanoes on the Earth. The composite volcanoes are characterized by outbreaks of cooler and more viscous lavas than basalt. They are constructed from numerous explosive eruptions. The major composite volcano chains are present in the Pacific Rim which is also known as the “Rim of Fire”.
Statement 2 is correct: The shield volcanoes are the largest of all the volcanoes on the Earth. Shield volcanoes are mostly made up of basalt, a type of lava that is very fluid when erupted. For this reason, these volcanoes are not steep. They become explosive if somehow water gets into the vent; otherwise, they are characterized by low- explosivity.
Statement 3 is correct: Caldera is the most explosive of the Earth’s volcanoes. They are usually so explosive that when they erupt they tend to collapse on themselves rather than building any tall structure.

Question 6. Q. Earthquake waves get recorded in seismographs located at far off locations. However, there exist some specific areas where the waves are not reported. Such a zone is called as:
  1.    Seismograph zone 
  2.    Epicentre zone
  3.    Littoral zone 
  4.    Shadow zone
Answer: Option D. -> Shadow zone
Earthquake waves get recorded in seismographs located at far off locations. However, there exist some specific areas where the waves are not reported. Such a zone is called the Shadow Zone. The study of different events reveals that for each earthquake, there exists an altogether different shadow zone.
Q. Earthquake Waves Get Recorded In Seismographs Located At...

Question 7. Q. Consider the following statements:

  1. In places where the coasts are extremely mountainous, the continental shelves are generally very wide.

  2. The continental shelves are the shallowest part of the ocean.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
  1.    1 only
  2.    2 only
  3.    Both 1 and 2
  4.    Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: Option B. -> 2 only
Statement 1 is incorrect: Where the coasts are mountainous, such as the Rocky Mountain and the Andean coasts, the continental shelf may be entirely absent or very small. These mountains are the result of plate’s subduction.
Statement 2 is correct: The continental shelf is the stretched margin of all continents into the ocean. It is the shallowest part of the ocean. The shallowness of continental shelves enables sunlight to penetrate through the water, which encourages plankton growth. These areas also get nutrients from the land. They are also the richest fishing grounds in the world.

Question 8. Q. Due to which among the following reasons, the westerlies blow with much greater force in the southern hemisphere in comparison to the northern hemisphere?
  1.    The coriolis force is maximum in the southern hemisphere as compared to the northern hemisphere. 
  2.    There is more ocean and less land in the southern hemisphere in comparison to the northern hemisphere. 
  3.    Due to the presence of InterTropical Convergence Zone and Trade Winds in the southern hemisphere. 
  4.    The highest peaks such as the Everest, K2 are all located in the northern hemisphere which blocks the free flow of wind.
Answer: Option B. -> There is more ocean and less land in the southern hemisphere in comparison to the northern hemisphere. 
In the southern hemisphere, there is more ocean and less land in comparison to the northern hemisphere. Due to this reason, the Westerlies blow with much greater force in the southern hemisphere in comparison to the northern hemisphere as there is less surface friction in the southern hemisphere. Higher the friction less the wind velocity.

Question 9. Q. The eye of a cyclone is characterized by-

  1. Calm weather 

  2. Torrential rain

  3. Light winds 

  4. Cloudy skies

Select the correct answer using the code given below
  1.    1, 2 and 4 only 
  2.    2 and 4 only   
  3.    ​​​​​​​1 and 3 only 
  4.    1, 2 and 3 only
Answer: Option C. -> ​​​​​​​1 and 3 only 
Statement 1 and 3 are correct:
Eye of a Cyclone:

  1. A mature tropical cyclone is characterised by the strong spirally circulating wind around the centre which is called the eye.

  2. The eye is an area with calm weather and descending air.

  3. It is characterized by light winds and clear skies.

Statement 2 and 4 are incorrect: Around the eye is the eyewall, where there is a strong spiralling rise of air to a greater height reaching the tropopause. The wind reaches maximum velocity in this region and torrential rain occurs here. The skies will be cloudy.

Question 10. Q. Poljes, Uvalas and Dolines are often associated with which one of the following landforms?
  1.    Aeolian erosional landforms
  2.    Karst Topography
  3.    Fluvial lowland landforms
  4.    Landforms of highland glaciation
Answer: Option B. -> Karst Topography
Poljes, Uvalas, Dolines and Grikes are kind of Karst Topography. Any limestone or dolomitic region showing typical landforms produced by the action of groundwater through the processes of solution and deposition is called Karst topography.
When a number of swallow holes coalesce, a larger hollow is formed called a Doline . Several dolines may merge as a result of subsidence (gradual caving) to form an even larger depression called an Uvula . In Yugoslavia, some very large depressions called Polje may be as large as 100 square miles, but produced partly due to faulting.