Projectile Motion(12th Grade > Physics ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Four bodies P, Q, R and S are projected with equal velocities having angles of projection 15,30,45 and 60 with the horizontal respectively. The body having shortest range is
  1.    P
  2.    Q
  3.    R
  4.    S
Answer: Option A. -> P
Range of projectile will be minimum for that angle which is farthest from 45.

Question 2. Two seconds after projection a projectile is travelling in a direction inclined at 30 to the horizontal after one more sec, it is travelling horizontally, the magnitude and direction of its velocity are
  1.    2√20m/sec,60∘
  2.    20√3m/sec,60∘
  3.    6√40m/sec,30∘
  4.    40√6m/sec,30∘
Answer: Option B. -> 20√3m/sec,60∘
Let in 2 sec body reaches upto point A and after one more sec upto point B.
Total time of ascent for a body is given 3 sec i.e. t=usinθg=3
Horizontal component of velocity remains always constant
For vertical upward motion between point O and A
Substituting this value in equation (ii) u coa θ=20cos30=103......(iii)
From equation (i) and (iii) u=203andθ=60
Two Seconds After Projection A Projectile Is Travelling In A...

Question 3. The speed of a projectile at the highest point becomes 12times its initial speed. The horizontal range of the projectile will be
  1.    u2g
  2.    u22g
  3.    u23g
  4.    u24g
Answer: Option A. -> u2g
Velocity at the highest point is given by ucosθ=u2(given)θ=45
Horizontal range R=u2sin2θg=u2sin(2×45)g=u2g

Question 4. Figure shows four paths for a kicked football.  Ignoring the effects of air on the flight, rank the paths accoding to initial horizontal velocity component, highest first
Figure Shows Four Paths For A Kicked Football.  Ignoring Th...
  1.    1, 2, 3, 4
  2.    2, 3, 4, 1
  3.    3, 4, 1, 2
  4.    4, 3, 2, 1
Answer: Option D. -> 4, 3, 2, 1
Range horizontal component of velocity. Graph 4 shows maximum range, so football possess maximum horizontal velocity in this case.

Question 5. Distance between a frog and an insect on a horizontal plane is 9 m. Frog can jump with a maximum speed of  10 m/s . Minimum number of jumps required by the frog to catch the insect is (Take g=10 m/s2)
  1.    7
  2.    8
  3.    9
  4.    4
Answer: Option C. -> 9
Range is maximum for 45 projection
The distance covered in one hop will be, R = u2g=1 m
Hence, it would take 9 jumps

Question 6. A boy throws a ball with a velocity u at an angle θ with the horizontal. At the same instant he starts running with uniform velocity to catch the ball before it hits the ground. To achieve this, he should run with a velocity of :
  1.    u cos θ
  2.    u sin θ
  3.    u tan θ
  4.    √u2tanθ  
Answer: Option A. -> u cos θ
The horizontal component of velocity of projection and the speed of the boy should be the same.

Question 7. Two seconds after projection a projectile is travelling in a direction inclined at 30 to the horizontal after one more sec, it is travelling horizontally, the magnitude and direction of its velocity are
  1.    2√20m/sec,60∘
  2.    20√3m/sec,60∘
  3.    6√40m/sec,30∘
  4.    40√6m/sec,30∘
Answer: Option B. -> 20√3m/sec,60∘
Let in 2 sec body reaches upto point A and after one more sec upto point B.
Total time of ascent for a body is given 3 sec i.e. t=usinθg=3
Horizontal component of velocity remains always constant
For vertical upward motion between point O and A
Substituting this value in equation (ii) u coa θ=20cos30=103......(iii)
From equation (i) and (iii) u=203andθ=60
Two Seconds After Projection A Projectile Is Travelling In A...

Question 8. A body of mass 0.5 kg is projected under gravity with a speed of 98 m/s at an angle of 30 with the horizontal. The change in momentum (in magnitude) of the body is
  1.    24.5 N–s
  2.    49.0 N–s
  3.    98.0 N–s
  4.    50.0 N–s
Answer: Option B. -> 49.0 N–s
Change in momentum between complete projectile motion = 2musinθ=2×0.5×98×sin30=49Ns

Question 9. A particle (A) is dropped from a height and another particle (B) is thrown in horizontal direction with speed of 5 m/sec from the same height, bith occuring at the same time. The correct statement is
  1.    Both particles will reach at ground simultaneously 
  2.    Both particles will reach at ground with same speed
  3.    Particle (A) will reach at ground first with respect to particle (B)
  4.    Particle (B) will reach at ground first with respect to particle (A)
Answer: Option A. -> Both particles will reach at ground simultaneously 
For both cases t = 2hg=constant.
Because vertical downward component of velocity will be zero for both the particles.

Question 10. A particle is projected at an angle of 37 with an inclined plane as shown in figure. Calculate:
(i) Time of flight of particle.
(ii) Distance traveled by particle (AB) along the inclined plane
A Particle Is Projected At An Angle Of 37∘ With An Incline...
  1.    Time of flight = 125sec Distance along incline = 125(8−6√3)m
  2.    Time of flight = 2 sec Distance along incline = 16 m
  3.    Time of flight = 3 sec Distance along incline = 6 m
  4.    Time of flight = 125sec Distance along incline = (8−6√3)m
Answer: Option A. -> Time of flight = 125sec Distance along incline = 125(8−6√3)m
(i) To find out time of flight here, we can analyze the motion in y-direction; we can use the formula y=uyt+12ayt2. By analyzing motion in y-direction , the displacement of the particle in y-direction during motion is zero.
A Particle Is Projected At An Angle Of 37∘ With An Incline...
Now uy=usinα=u.sin37=35×10=6ms
So, y=uyt+12ayt20=6t52t2t=125s
(ii) To find out the distance traveled along AB, we have to analyze the motion in x-direction. So we have to use the formula
Here ux=ucosα=10cos37=10×45=8msax=gsinθ=10sin60=10×32=53ms2
And t=125s,x=8×12512.53(125)2=965532×14425=9657235=125(863)m