Mechanical Properties Of Solids(12th Grade > Physics ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. The bulk modulus for an incompressible liquid is
  1.    zero
  2.    unity
  3.    infinity
  4.    between 0 and 1
Answer: Option C. -> infinity
The bulk modulus is
If liquid is incompressible so V=0
Hence, K=pv0

Question 2. The Young's modulus of a rubber string 8 cm long and density  1.5 kgm3 is 5 ×108Nm2. It is suspended from the ceiling in a room. The increase in length due to its own weight will be
  1.    9.6× 10−5 m
  2.    9.6× 10−11m
  3.    9.6× 10−3m
  4.    9.6 m
Answer: Option B. -> 9.6× 10−11m
b):l = L2dg2Y = (8×102)2×1.5×9.82×5×108 = 9.6×1011m

Question 3. The coefficient of linear expansion of brass and steel are
 α1 and α2. If we take a brass rod of length l1 and steel rod of length  l2 at 0C, their difference in length  (l2l1)will remain the same at a temperature if
  1.    α1l2=α2l1
  2.    α1l22=α2l21
  3.    α21l1=α22l2
  4.    α1l1=α2l2
Answer: Option D. -> α1l1=α2l2
d)L2=l2(l+α2θ) and L1=l1(l+α1θ)
Now (L2L1)=(l2l1) so, l2α2l1α1=0

Question 4. When a rod is heated but prevented from expanding, the stress developed is independent of
  1.    material of the rod
  2.    rise in temperature
  3.    length of rod
  4.    none of these
Answer: Option C. -> length of rod
If the same rod of lenghth L0 is subjected to stress along its length, then extension in length can be calculated by Hooke's law
Therefore L=L0×stressY
If the rod is prevented from expanding, we have
Therefore stress=Yαθ= (independent of L0)

Question 5. The Poisson’s ratio of the material is 0.5. If a force is applied to a wire of this material, there is a decrease in the cross sectional area by 4%. The percentage increase in its length is
  1.    1%
  2.    2%
  3.    2.5%
  4.    4%
Answer: Option D. -> 4%
Given Poisson's ration= 0.5
It shows that the density of material is constant
Therefore the change in volume of the wire is zero
V=A×l =constant
log V=log A+log |
therefore VV=0=AA+ll
or % increase in length=ll×100

Question 6. Two identical wires of rubber and iron are stretched by the same weight, then the number of atoms in the iron wire will be
  1.    equal to that of rubber
  2.    less than that of the rubber
  3.    more than that of rubber
  4.    none of the above
Answer: Option C. -> more than that of rubber
Iron is more elastic than rubber, hence the number of atoms per unit volume will be more in case of iron.

Question 7. The diameter of a brass wire is 0.6 mm and Y is 9 ×106 N m2.The force which will increase its length by 0.2% is about
  1.    100 N
  2.    51 N
  3.    25 N
  4.    none of these
Answer: Option B. -> 51 N
=9×1010×227×(0.6×103)24×0.2100N =51 N approx

Question 8. A cube is compressed at 0 C equally from all sides by an external pressure p. By what amount should the temperature be raised to bring it back to the size it had before the external pressure was applied? (Given K is bulk modulus of elasticity of the material of the cube and α is the coefficient of linear expansion)
  1.    pKα
  2.    p3Kα
  3.    3παp
  4.    K3p
Answer: Option B. -> p3Kα
or T=p3kα

Question 9. A wire 3 m in length and 1 mm in diameter at 303K is kept at a low temperature of 103K and is stretched by hanging a weight of 10 kg at one end. The change in length of the wire is (Y = 2× 1011 Nm2, g = 10 m s2 and = 1.2× 105 K1)
  1.    5.2 mm
  2.    2.5 mm
  3.    52 mm
  4.    25 mm
Answer: Option A. -> 5.2 mm
The contraction in the length of the wire due to change in the temperature
The expansion in the length of wire due to stretching force
Resultant change in length
=-5.2 mm
Negative sign shows contraction

Question 10. Two rods of different materials having coefficients of linear expansion α1  and α2 and Young’s modulus
Y1 and Y2 respectively are fixed between two rigid massive walls. The rods are heated such that they undergo the same increase in temperature. There is no bending of rods. If
α1 : α2 = 2:3, the thermal stress developed in the two rods are equal provided Y1:Y2 equal to
  1.    2 : 3
  2.    4 : 9
  3.    1 : 2
  4.    3 : 2
Answer: Option D. -> 3 : 2
From the formula for thermal stress
Since,temperature T is same
For thermal stress to be equal
ory1y2=α2α1=32 since α1α2=2:3)