Oscillation And Simple Harmonic Motion(12th Grade > Physics ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. A particle is undergoing SHM along a straight line so that its period is 12 s. The time it takes in traversing a distance equal to half its amplitude from the equilibrium position is
  1.    3 s
  2.    2 s
  3.    1 s
  4.    0.5s
Answer: Option C. -> 1 s

Question 2. Swaison's Thrush (a fleet of small sized birds of an oscine family), while migrating fly far east across North America before turning south via Florida to reach northern South America. If they do this journey every year taking exactly the same time, to and fro on the same route with the same velocity profile then under which category can we put their motion.
  1.    Oscillatory motion
  2.    Periodic motion
  3.    Both Oscillatory and Periodic
  4.    None of these
Answer: Option B. -> Periodic motion
You know that a motion that repeats itself in equal intervals of time is called periodic, right? Let's discuss what it means exactly. It means that after some specific interval of time T the position of the body from the reference point and its velocity are the same. So no matter what reference point you choose in the path, after time T the motion "repeats” itself. Well! Oscillatory motion is to and fro motion which may be periodic or not but the important thing about oscillatory motion is that it happens about a point of stable equilibrium where a restoring force exists. In the case mentioned in the problem there is no restoring force. However the motion repeats after equal intervals. So the motion is periodic but not Oscillatory!

Question 3. The time period of the simple harmonic motion represented by the equation d2xdt2+αx=0   is
  1.    2 πα
  2.    2 π√α
  3.    2 π/α
  4.    2 π/√α
Answer: Option D. -> 2 π/√α
In a simple harmonic motion d2xdt2=ω2x where ω is the angular frequency. Comparing it with d2xdt2=αx we get ω2=αorω=αor2πT=αorT=2πα, Hence the correct choice is (d)

Question 4. A particle moves on the X-axis according to the equation x=A+Bsinω t. The motion is simple harmonic with amplitude.
  1.    A
  2.    B
  3.    A+B
  4.    √A2+B2
Answer: Option B. -> B
We are given x=A+Bsinωt
We can see that the second term basically is the equation of an SHM with amplitude B. What's the first term doing there? Let's think about it. If it were just B sin ωt, it would be an SHM about the origin. Adding a constant to this entire thing would just shift the mean position from origin to x = A. Now the particle is doing SHM about x = A with an amplitude of B. Yes B! because amplitude is how far the particle goes from the mean position. The new means position is x = A but the particle's max displacement is still B from it!

Question 5. When a mass m is hung from the lower of a spring of negligible mass, an extension x is produced in the spring. The mass is set into vertical oscillations.The time period of oscillation is
  1.    T=2π√xmg
  2.    T=2π√gxm
  3.    T=2π√xg
  4.    T=2π√x2g
Answer: Option C. -> T=2π√xg
If k is the force constant, we have
or mk=xg

Question 6. Graph shows the x(t) curves for three experiments involving a particular spring-block system oscillating in SHM. The kinetic energy of the system is maximum at t=4 sec, for the situation:
Graph Shows The X(t) Curves For Three Experiments Involving ...
  1.    1
  2.    2
  3.    3
  4.    same in all
Answer: Option B. -> 2
Among these given graphs we need to figure out which has maximum K.E. at 4 seconds. Not a big deal! Let's just think through. Since the three experiments involve the same spring block system so the spring constant remains same for all. Now only (1) and (2) are in their mean position at t = 4 and (3) is in extreme so we can rule out (3). In the mean position K.E = T.E = 12KA2. Among (1) and (2), (1) has higher value of A(amplitude)
which we can see from the height it's bump!. So (1) has the maximum K.E.
Alternative way of thinking could be
Since this is a displacement - time graph and dxdtmeans velocity so the slope of this graph gives velocity.
More slope more velocity more K.E. Among (1) (2) and (3), (1) has the maximum slope (by observation) and so maximum K.E.

Question 7. A body of mass 1 kg is executing simple harmonic motion.  Its displacement x (in cm) at time t (in second) is given by
x=6 sin(100 t+π4)The maximum kinetic energy of the body is
  1.    6 J
  2.    18 J
  3.    24 J
  4.    36 J
Answer: Option B. -> 18 J
Velocity of the body at time t is
Maximum KE 12mv2max=12×1×(6)2=18J
Hence the correct choice is (b)

Question 8. A body is executing simple harmonic motion.  At a displacement x, its potential energy is E1 and at a displacement y, its potential energy isE2 The potential energy E at a displacement (x+y) is 
  1.    E1+E2
  2.    √E21+E22
  3.    E1+E2+2√E1E2
  4.    √E1E2
Answer: Option C. -> E1+E2+2√E1E2
From (1), (2) and (3) it follows that
Which is choice (c).

Question 9. A particle is executing linear simple harmonic motion of amplitude A.  What fraction of the total energy is kinetic when the displacement is half the amplitude?
  1.    14
  2.    12√2
  3.    12
  4.    34
Answer: Option D. -> 34
Kinetic energy (KE)=12mω2(A2x2)
Potential energy (PE)=12mω2x2
Total energy (E)=12mω2A2Whenx=A2
KE = 12mω2(A2A24)=38mω2A2E=12mω2A2KEE=34

Question 10. A Spring Block System Is Oscillating As Shown In The Figure....
A spring block system is oscillating as shown in the figure. The block is pulled to a distance of A form mean position and left and its time period is noted to be T1.
Now its pulled to a distance of 2A from mean and left. Time period for this motion comes out to be T2.
What is the relation between T1 and T2?
  1.    T1>T2
  2.    T2>T1
  3.    T1=T2
  4.    Data insufficient
Answer: Option C. -> T1=T2
Watch the next video for solution.